Todays smoke is something else, let me tell you....
The wrapper said Dominicana under a crown and a purple shield. The left side of the wrapper said Felipe, and the right side said Gregorio.
It looked like a rattlesnake that swallowed a muskrat, as it had a large bulge in the center third. Right now I am almost past the muskrat, and I have to say that it tastes pretty much what I thought it would taste like to smoke a muskrat.
I am hoping that after the muskrat is smoked, it may actually get better. The amount of smoke off of a draw is pretty small and smells not unlike a muskrat which has caught on fire after running through a tobacco field.
Honestly, the only reason I am still smoking it is because I am hoping that whoever made it knew that it would be worth it in the last third.
Then again, it could be a frickin practical joke........