Ive got some catching up to do here...
My goal is to get my "singles/gotta try this one" drawer down a bit as I have sticks coming ... soon!
Partagas Cifuentes (Jan 29th)
Followed by a Fuente Short Story
Las Calveras on Jan 30th
Jan 31st brought on the Portages 1845 (gold label)
There were some sticks in between for me but Feb 3rd was a MF Cedro Delux
Feb 2nd was a LAT 52 (better than I expected)
Feb 4th was an epic CroMag Venus... OMG! still.... OMG!
Today was a cracked T52 that I was not going to let go to waste... Im not a heathen!
I know I've missed a few but that gets me up to date with daily smokes... can you believe Ive barely made a dent