Started the day off with coffee and La Gloria Cubana Medaille d'Or No.4, first time I've had this smoke and loved it quite fruity in taste I'll post a proper review once I've had a couple of these.
Currently in the middle of a Por Larranaga Magnifico. Very rich, earthy, mild cigar. I preferred the Lonsdales to this one. The Magnifico is like a larger, milder PL Robusto.
i hate acronyms...they give me fits. You shoudl hear me when a TV commercial comes on for some new fangled drug. RLS?!?!Restless Leg Syndrome?!?! WTF!!!?
Followed up the BBF with a PAM Exclusivo I'm smoking now....this one is smoking alot better than the Boli. I'm glad these things didn't sell when I went on a selling spree...the 64's are simply one of the best cigars made, bar none.