Got together with my brother
@pete hanford for some smallmouth bass fishing this morning. I started the day with a Man O War Virtue.
@pete hanford started with a The Reckoning and a nice smallie.
I tried to smoke a Diesel Rage next but it had a horrible tight draw and then started to massively tunnel so that got pitched.
So I went back to a cigar I love, the My Father Le Bijou Petite Robusto. Man I love these little gems.
@pete hanford smoked a CAO Black next while bringing in some nice smallies.
My last cigar of the morning was my first MUWAT Baitfish. I had bought many but sent them all out in bombs so I was anxious to finally try it. I LOVED IT. Almost as much as the Le Bijou. That Baitfish is a great little cigar that I did not want to end. And it helped me land a few more smallies. We ended up with 15 smallies this morning. Slow compared to the 51 Petey caught last weekend but better than zero! Had a great morning, thanks
@pete hanford.
Nice morning view along the river before we launched the boat and headed out.