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Today's Smoke (2004-2022 Archive)

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Jun 19, 2015
Springfield, VA

Camacho Ecuador Toro

I bought this to celebrate submitting my first story for publication. (IT will take four weeks to know.) I should have went with the Nica Rustica. This thing had decent flavor, but there wasn't a whole lot going on. A pretty boring smoke in my opinion.

Plus, WTF IS THIS! It happened twice. It tunneled and then dropped burning hot ash down the front of my shirt.
Bummer. I had one of those, once. I pretty much thought the same thing as you. But I did not have that kind of burn issue.
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Jun 19, 2015
Springfield, VA
Today's ride home cigar. Pretty boring, no flavor. It's was one of the too many random sampler cigars I still have. This one got pitched when I got home. Just nothing there.

Next I had a cigar that I whipped up from scraps from homerolling. It was FAR better than the lovely Grand Pearl above. Posted the pic in the Adventures in Homerolling thread.

And now, I'm smoking an Olivia Serie G. Pretty nice - a little mild for this time of the day today. I'll have my next one of these as my first cigar and see how that goes.

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