Looks rough, need an assistant? I'm really good at drinking beer and smoking cigars...Long day of meetings in Berlin.
Why won't you buy online anymore?So @ManBeard sent me a four pack of 5 vegas, a brand that I have avoided like the plague. Well apprehensively I tried the first one. It said classic on the band and was good to my surprise. Now I don't mean it was good for its price, it was better than allot of $10 cigars on the market in terms of flavor. So I tried the gold maduro and another winner. Then I tried the Gold and bam! The run was over, dog rocket and it looked dyed yellow. It took me a couple months to get my courage up to try the cask strength but today I finally did and it was also good, burn was ok on two but bad on the first one. Now I'm not sure what their deal is outside of the fact that one of their cigars was obviously dyed . So if you know their background I'm interested in hearing about it. I know I will probably never smoke them again due to the fact that I already have a hard time keeping up with all of the new cigars that are always coming out and all of the ones I still have on the waiting list and the fact that I won't buy online anymore, but it just caught my attention.View attachment 76590
I see the damage it's done to true B&Ms around the country, especially over the last 15 years. It has put so many out of buisiness that aren't held up by having their main income from something other than premium tobacco products. So now the majority of cigar shops in places where there are high taxes are not actual tobacconists. They are groceries, liquor stores or head shops that just happen to sell cigars. At the rate that things are going and with the FDA regulations coming down the pipeline we are going to be seeing allot more going out of buisiness and the cigar lounge/tobacconist that isn't owned buy a large company or is in a higher tax state will not be able to compete because the online buisiness has undercut the price so much that the only people that will be able to stay afloat will be the places that don't depend on premium tobacco products and pipes as their main income.Why won't you buy online anymore?