This morning the wife gave me some smoking time so I went for a ride and smoke an '85 ERdM Lonsdale that Craig (Kurtdesign1) so graciously gifted me.
That was a wonderful cigar Craig, thank you so much for sharing an experience like that with me. Every time I smoke one I am amazed how a 20 year old cigar can be so flavourful and how the smoke is so rich and thick.
On the ride home I fired up a bowl of Dunhill 965. Wonderful tobacco right there fellas. I smoked some GL Pease Odyssey the day before and the 965 was pretty similar but a little lighter on the palette.
Pretty good start to the weekend so far I guess. :thumbsup:
What're you guys smoking today?
P.S. I know what're isn't a word but I thought it sounded neat and it should be.