Went with this instead. Like 2012-13 or something. Forgot to snap a pic before taking the other band off. Kinda pissed about it though. Lit this at my boy's house because I knew I'd be ready for bed when I got home, and wanted to get another in. You know, to kick off my days off right, right? It starts like a dream. Pepper blast is GONE! Sweet spice on the tip of the tongue with a subtle cherry apricot flavor. He smells it. He wants a taste.
Normally, F-no!
But, this is my dude. I'm his best man forGodsake! I let him have a go, and what does he do? Drops it. Right on the cherry...
no damage. All good.
Alas, my man wasn't done yet!
After tending to the burn line I hand it back, and he takes this cigar I'd been sitting on for four or five years and starts puffing like a locomotive. I didn't notice until it was too late. He was finished before I could stop him. He handed back to me a hot little turd. Ruined...
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