Just a box but I'm thinking of getting another box in a different size not sure which one to get. Toros are always good as are Robustos. I think those were Coronas but I can't remember. I'd have to look. But, yeah I really like those. I don't see it too often either which also suprises me. I guess there are just so many different styles of Tatujaes that the options are so vast maybe idk though. They definatly do seem to get better and better with age too.
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Those are Robustos. I was afraid it would be too short, but it had a great burn time. Perfect construction.
I just grabbed a fiver of the Churchill-ish size from cigar page. The deal ends tomorrow morning.
Yeah, that may be it, but these are so good and different from his other stuff! Might be the more cubanesque profile, but these, L'ats, and black cg's are some of my absolute favorites from him. Well, Ricky's too of course.
Ahhhhh... Very interesting..