A Razorback lost in Texas land
Having a Montecristo 1935 #2, that I purchased when I first heard about them in Oct 2021. It’s the only NC Monte I’ve ever cared much for, and a year and a half of rest served this tobacco very well, actually. Getting a lot of medium roast coffee, some bitter chocolate, barbecued meat, and a little sourdough bread. Also some blackberry and cream showed up in the second half.
Coupling with a drink I invented, I’m calling it Funky Buffalo…. 2 oz Buffalo Trace, 1 oz 100% cranberry juice, 1 oz orange juice, and a splash of seltzer water. The citrus and tart are complimenting the cigar very nicely!
Coupling with a drink I invented, I’m calling it Funky Buffalo…. 2 oz Buffalo Trace, 1 oz 100% cranberry juice, 1 oz orange juice, and a splash of seltzer water. The citrus and tart are complimenting the cigar very nicely!