Sorry to hear that it's that time, Scott. I know that I'll be devastated when the time comes that our dog Codie has to be put down. My thoughts are with you and your family, and I will also light up a good one this weekend.
Sorry to hear about that Scott. I'll smoke one in Shadow's name today. Went through it a couple of times when I was a kid with the family dog. Never easy.
Really sorry to hear its time for that. I wish there was a way to make it eaiser but only time can do that. Like Angry Bill said, it's funny how they have a way of becoming part of the family. Thoughts will be with you and your family.
Sorry to hear about Shadow. Dogs are more than a pet, they are part of the family and a loyal companion that is always there for you during good and bad. I'm sure that she'll always be remembered by you, your family and friends.