I see stuff all the time for a free t shirt or hat, but that has one small problem: I don't give a shit and I will never rock that stuff for anything other than beating around the house. I'd like to see more cigar related merchandise being given out whether that be free lighters, free cutters, or free ashtrays. Make it something nice and not something cheesy and when I pull that stuff out other people will ask about it and I'll be more than happy to share what it is and how I got it.
Individual places don't do enough to bring in customers. Sundays at most local cigar bars are dead here in the Detroit area. 2 weeks ago, I met a friend up at a local place for a cigar while the Lions played, and it was dead. It was me, my friend and maybe 5 other people total in the place. I heard the owner of the B&M bitching about the place being mostly empty. I can understand the problem, but he was indignant about the whole situation. Here's an idea: give discounts on your $4 a bottle beer, and get NFL Sunday ticket. As soon as the Lions are done playing I'm gone because I don't want to stick around for the regional broadcast snoozefest of Jags vs. anyone or Steelers vs Ravens. Hell at least get RedZone. If Sundays should be a good day for you and they are broke, then fix it. Give up some profit on beer or offer a promotion other than 50% off some obscure or house blend that sucks ass, because no one is showing up for that. At my place I've got a 60" flatscreen, NFL RedZone, a fridge full of beer and a good pizza place right around the corner. As a B&M, you have to put something out that is going to trump the situation that I already have going on.