After following all of the advice above, make sure I don't rent it next.
Personally I won't smoke in a rental car or even a "smoking room" at
a hotel/motel,
Cigar smoke is pervasive and lingering beyond all normal means of
eradicating it.
Enough people hate cigar smokers as it is... I don't want to give them
one more reason to dislike us and/or push for even more "no smoking"
regulations and restrictions.
Just one humble opinion!
I wish I knew what this means...or maybe I don't wish to know!After following all of the advice above, make sure I don't rent it next.
Personally I won't smoke in a rental car or even a "smoking room" at
a hotel/motel,
Cigar smoke is pervasive and lingering beyond all normal means of
eradicating it.
Enough people hate cigar smokers as it is... I don't want to give them
one more reason to dislike us and/or push for even more "no smoking"
regulations and restrictions.
Just one humble opinion!
Buzzkillington over here.....
Buzz....Kill...ington A process or person that undermines and/or destroys (kills) an idea or concept previously thought of as reasonable and achievable. :rolling:I wish I knew what this means...or maybe I don't wish to know!After following all of the advice above, make sure I don't rent it next.
Personally I won't smoke in a rental car or even a "smoking room" at
a hotel/motel,
Cigar smoke is pervasive and lingering beyond all normal means of
eradicating it.
Enough people hate cigar smokers as it is... I don't want to give them
one more reason to dislike us and/or push for even more "no smoking"
regulations and restrictions.
Just one humble opinion!
Buzzkillington over here.....
From the National website1. window cracked and fan on.
2. cup with water and ash in that
3 coffee grounds to take care of smell.
4. Ozium or Zep or Febreze if you like that spray.
5. National does not have a fine iirc. Or at least they told me that when I said this car smells of smoke.
Try one or two or none or all.
I can remember traveling in Pennsylvania, land of cigars in a rental car. Company starts with an A. I picked up the car in the rain and though I smelled cigarette smoke. Anyway, there was no way I was going to all the shops in Bethlehem, Easton, Philly etc and not smoke. I tried to be careful with the window cracked and following my rules but after a week, well. I stopped and bought a can of air freshener. Cheap air freshner from a dollar store and emptied it in the car. When I turned it in the guy looked at me and I said, Car smelled so I fixed it. No problem. I am not saying this will work for you. The smoke police get more strict every day. Justbe fair and dont stink the car up. Fabreze is amazing.
I rent cars often. I ALWAYS smoke cigars in them. I've never been charged a cleaning fee.
First, rent from Hertz. They were last to prohibit smoking in their cars. They still don't care much in most locations.
Second: As soon as you get the car started -- usually before you even leave the lot, crank up the fan in the car; all the way -- and start sniffing....someone has smoked in that car before - I can almost guarantee it unless it is brand new. Tell the exit attendant that you can smell smoke (not suggesting you lie.) If you forget, then do same and call back to rental place after you crank the fan and then smell it. You're pretty much covered from that point on.
Third: Just be a little careful about ash and nubs. Don't leave the cigar butt sitting overnight in an old coffee cup with a half inch of left over coffee.
Fourth: As CWS already mentioned, NEVER run fan (AC OR Heat) with RECIRC, RECYCLE, MAX A/C, etc. Once that smoke starts getting sucked into your air handling, you're asking for trouble.
Fourth: Try not to smoke on the way back to return the car - If you can hold off the last hour or two, and drive with windows down, you should be golden. If you're still nervous, stop at drug/grocery store and get some Fabreeze -- couple squirts as you roll onto the lot and you're good to go.
I too have been in the minority camp. But I stand with you on this.thanks for enlightening me on "buzz killington."
Had zero expectations that the OP would give up on smoking in his rental car on reading my reply.\
Have, and probably will continue to, smoke in my long as I am the only one subjected to
the smelly results, all is well. It is my personal space, safe from far anyway!
My preferences were only meant to apply to using/abusing a car or room not my own.
Most of the responses so far seem directed to how to avoid the repercussions of deliberately disregarding
the policies of the car rental company, not to the issue of whether it is right, or smart, to do so.
On that point we will each decide for our own... my view is CLEARLY in the minority camp....I have been
THERE before.
Enjoy your trip and your cigar(s)!