I must have smoke 10 to 15 of them. I enjoyed them and plan to review the cigar in the future. Not really similar to anything else that they make. I can give a more in depth response once my pallet is not so fried and I can taste things again. At this point all I can really say was that I enjoyed them.How many of those 107's did you burn through??....thoughts on em'??
Yes Barry was there. Funny guy. It was a pleasure to meet him. You'd never know he was from Brooklyn :wink:Wonderfull! I see Barry was with you're group? Thank you for sharing the experience!
Yes Manuel Inoa is a very nice guy. Knows his stuff. I know he has done work with some people that have their sticks made by Pepin so it would make sense for him go to Esteli sometimes.Great pics and thanks for sharing your trip! I'm pretty sure Manuel who you called the blender extraordinaire is the person we met down in Esteli when our group was down there. He came to the My Father factory to do some business with Pepin & Jaime and he sat with us for awhile in the conference smoking cigars and drinking some rum. We didn't really talk to him as they were busy talking, but he seemed like a nice guy.
Married man so I stayed away from the nightlife. You'd have to check with some of the other guys that went to get their take on the nightlife.Thanks for sharing Patrick... What was the 'nightlife' like?:halfgrinw
Not sure if they blast them all. I will look into it and see if I can get you an answer.Great pics! Sounds like a blast bro!
Do they blast all their cigars?