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Turned something I disliked into something enjoyable

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Apr 8, 2011
The Dark Side
After several months of off and on consideration and lots of googeling I finally decided to give shaving with a straight razor a try. Now I've really never liked shaving, fortunately I usually only have to do it once a week. I found an acceptable kit, brush, bowel, soap, strop (cheaper than I was expecting) and razor. Nothing expensive but looked like it should be of good enough quality to get started with out dropping a few hundred.

Here's the razor, bowel, brush and soap. The soap has a light scent to it, but kinda nice.

The strop. This was the only piece I wasn't real pleased with. I know it was a budget kit, but it doesn't feel like it's going to last long. This will probably be the first piece that gets replaced.

Went all out with a hot towel with a little vicks on it.
Didn't realize how dirty my mirror was until I looked at this picture.

Getting a lather built up is more difficult than I thought.

Getting comfortable using the razor in my left hand is going to take some getting used to

On the final pass I finally caught myself, not too bad for my first time though.

To top it all off I found some aftershave recipes on line and made some home made aftershave. It was a most enjoyable experience, especially since I usually rush through shaving in the morning only because I have to. If you're considering trying a straight razor I'd suggest giving it a shot. Including the extras I bought to make the aftershave I'm in it for about $120. This is definitely something I'll continue with.

Cheers :ccool:
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May 29, 2008
Dude that too cool. I use to only use that soap and always wanted to try the straight razor but never did. Use to buy the old fashioned safety razors tho.

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BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Always wanted to do this too. Afraid I'll cut myself Sweeney Todd style though lol. Very cool bro

I also hate shaving, and have downgraded all the way to an electric razor just to make it go as quickly as possible. Maybe I'll try this route sometime.
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Apr 8, 2011
The Dark Side
that's awesome brother its always nice to turn a chore into something enjoyable..... if i may ask what is your aftershave recipe?
I've made two batches so far the first one is Absinthe based,
1/8 Cup Absinthe
1/3 Cup Vodka
1/4 Cup Witch Hazel
1-2 Tablespoons Glycerin
I went back and added a little extra Absinthe and instead of straight glycerin I substituted an aloe gel thats basically just denatured alcohol, glycerin and aloe. This one you mix up and can use right away.

The second batch is a Black Rum, it's based off of a Bay Rum recipe, but I couldn't get my hands on the right kind of bay leaves so I improvised.
1/2 Cup Black Rum (I used The Kraken, a little for the recipe, a little for me)
1/4 Cup Witch Hazel (Drug store non-name brand)
1 Tablespoon Aloe Gel
1/2 Teaspoon cinnamon powder (supposed to use a stick of cinnamon, again didn't have any)
1ish Tablespoon Whole Cloves
1/2 Teaspoon ground Allspice
3-4 drops peppermint essence
2-3 drops cinnamon essence
This one should be mixed up in a mason jar or anything else with a lid and set somewhere for 10 - 14 days stirring or shaking once a day. Even not being made correctly I like how it came out.
Knowing how much alcohol is in these I was a bit nervous to use them the first time, but they actually sting less than the last commercial aftershave I've used. I used the Absinth based one after shaving with the straight razor and it stung a little bit more than after using a cartridge but it's more of an intense tingle, rather invigorating.

Always wanted to do this too. Afraid I'll cut myself Sweeney Todd style though lol. Very cool bro
It's really not that difficult. I don't have the steadiest of hands, and thats putting it nicely. Do a little reading, watch some videos and then just take it slow. Getting the correct angle is a little tricky and trusting your off hand (left for me) is a little difficult but it makes you extra cautious. I didn't time it but it probably took me about 25 minutes start to finish doing three passes. I know it accomplishes the same thing as a cartridge razor, but it's a completely different experience. I say if you're thinking about it give it a shot, its worth it.

Cheers :ccool:


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Always wanted to do this too. Afraid I'll cut myself Sweeney Todd style though lol. Very cool bro
LMAO...right there with you. I watched my grandfather shave like this many many times and always thought it was cool. I'm just a big ol chicken but I love how Zip took the picks along with the experience. Has me thinking...


Il n'y a pas de fumée san
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Aug 18, 2012
I love this idea. Recently I was down south on vacation and went to a mens only barber shop and had this done. First it was a little awkward being shaved, but I really enjoyed it. I've thought about buying a kit. Very cool!!!
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Feb 17, 2013
McGregor, MN
Never tried a straight razor but I do like my old safety razor. I really enjoy using the Art of Shaving product not cheap but I think it is worth it.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Just started DE Razor shaving a month ago thanks to our Cuban resident Jose(Bigfoot). He gifted me a whole setup including blades, razor, soap, aftershave, bowl and even a badger brush. Getting the lather down has been a learning curve. But the shaving!!!!!! Omg the difference. I still use a disposable if I'm in a hurry. But if I have the choice I now use the Gillete Arrow I was gifted. Thanks for the review Zip and thanks again Jose!
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Jul 21, 2008
La Mesa CA
I don't have the balls to try it yet. But I'm uglier than you, so I have less to lose. Maybe I'll give it a go :)
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Jun 12, 2012
Chattanooga, TN
I use a Merkur 33c with Lord Cool blades.

I have been doing it for a little over a year now and I will never go back! I'd like to pick up a straight razor to try eventually.

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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
I know a couple buddies that use a straight razor, I just can't bring myself to try it. As said above, I am worried about slicing myself all up!