Good way to get bombed...
If you are implying that we haves a troll on our hands, I can assure you that this is a legitimate inquiry, and not some shifty way to lure guys into bombing him. Shark is too much of a straight shooter to pull that kinda foolishness. Besides, he'd probably ask this at our Thursday herf, but there are only a handful of us, and most of us are under 30 (although,I wish i could say that for myself). This makes BOTL, with its broad range of ages within the membership a much better resource.
That said, if you want to bomb him for his slip up (because Shark is ALWAYS putting his for in his mouth), his Birthday is either the 17th or the 19th (I can never keep them straight).
And now to respond to the question:
Shark, I had a list if things to do, but they were all "wants." On my 29th Birthday, I found out that Nicole was pregnant with Eamonn, so we went forward with the wedding plans that were in place. I became a husband and a farther when I turned 30. See, I got what I "needed."