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Unico Piglet

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Sep 23, 2009
The facts:

Unico Piglet - very small batch production of an uber-peppery smaller format perfecto. I distributed a few at the annual LP evening I do every March at Top Shelf in Dover, NH. It happens to be the store where my college age son works. I found it too harsh, it lacked finesse imo, so I never had anymore made, nor have we worked on improving the blend... I can't imagine I have given out more than a hundred of these.

Unico Ratzilla - Ratzilla is simply a larger format of the Dirty Rat liga - in the process of trying to decided what was ideal we made a few hundred of each of these sizes: 6 x 44, 6 x 46, 7 x 44, 7 x 46 and 6 x 48... most were just labelled "Dirty Rat" as in the blend, not the cigar so we could keep them straight. Ultimately the decision was made for "Ratzilla" to be 6.25 x 46 - very few of these have been shared as we ran into the great Y2011 T52 Tobacco delay...

Ratzilla's are currently being produced, but there is no formal plan to release them yet... gotta get T52 and Dirty Rat back on track first.

Hope this Helps,

Steve Saka
President, Drew Estate