I absolutely agree with you mast3r shake! Meetings are only going to be held most likely once every two weeks. There are plenty of places around campus that are smoke-friendly, so all I've gotta do is choose one. I also DO have a core group, and along with my friend Lauren, are assigning positions to them according to their strong points and personalities.
Currently, I am the President.
Lauren - vice president, in charge of decisions, member applications, and publicity.
Liz - Treasurer, she takes care of the financial part of the club, and helps decide where and when to spend the money we are given. She also takes minutes during the meetings.
Andrew - Executive, He also handles what we talk about during meetings, and helps to introduce our members to new products and styles.
Krystina - Founding member (member from day 1)
Chelsea - Founding member (member from day 1)
I know it seems like more girls than guys (well it is), but I just haven't met too many guys to invite yet! More will come with time, and hey, maybe the girls in the club will attract more male members!!
Thanks for your input, and happy smoking!