Feel your pain bro, unfortunately as smokers we're too easy a target and at fault for every health problem in the world in the eyes of the government.
We already had a massive duty to pay down under. It was going up every year by 3% and some numpty decided they would throw in an additional 12.5% annually on top of the 3% for 4 years. We are currently in year 3 of the 4 and sitting at a cool $667 per kilo of product imported. Obviously it varies but pretty well translates to $200 - $300 per box. Often 2 to 3 times the purchase price. Now one thing I've learnt about government is that once they start a good revenue stream, they don't like damming it. Will be very interested (and surprised) if they go back to 3% after the fourth year that was agreed.
So next year it will be up around the $770 and from then on because the number is getting so high now even the 3% is gonna hurt! Won't be too many more years and smoking will be reserved for the elite and the smugglers down under at over $1000 per kilo... Phew
Shame really.