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UPDATE - NJ BOTL: Proposed Cigar Tax hike from 30% to 90%!

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Mar 7, 2016
Insane. Thanks for following up on this. I'll be sending some emails tomorrow as well.
No problem, your post is actually what brought me to the site. I was searching to see why this who bill wasn't blowing up the internet like it usually does when the states go after tobacco. Anyway, I will be following and fighting this closely and will happily keep you up to date in this forum with any news I receive, if you wish.
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Mar 18, 2015
No problem, your post is actually what brought me to the site. I was searching to see why this who bill wasn't blowing up the internet like it usually does when the states go after tobacco. Anyway, I will be following and fighting this closely and will happily keep you up to date in this forum with any news I receive, if you wish.
Yes please. It'd be much appreciated.
And if you have any other leads to contact, feel free to post here so we can get the brothers to bombard some representatives!

The Munt

Observe everything. Listen intently.
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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
Feel your pain bro, unfortunately as smokers we're too easy a target and at fault for every health problem in the world in the eyes of the government.

We already had a massive duty to pay down under. It was going up every year by 3% and some numpty decided they would throw in an additional 12.5% annually on top of the 3% for 4 years. We are currently in year 3 of the 4 and sitting at a cool $667 per kilo of product imported. Obviously it varies but pretty well translates to $200 - $300 per box. Often 2 to 3 times the purchase price. Now one thing I've learnt about government is that once they start a good revenue stream, they don't like damming it. Will be very interested (and surprised) if they go back to 3% after the fourth year that was agreed.

So next year it will be up around the $770 and from then on because the number is getting so high now even the 3% is gonna hurt! Won't be too many more years and smoking will be reserved for the elite and the smugglers down under at over $1000 per kilo... Phew

Shame really.
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Feb 26, 2016
Central Florida
"Money raised from the increase would go to the Department of Health’s “Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Fund,” which funds smoking and tobacco use cessation programs in the state."
Oh blow me.
And if you vote against this, then surely you hate children and puppies and are in bed with big tobacco and want everyone addicted to everything. Like voting against traffic cameras means you want more traffic deaths. And less puppies.

There's no money in punitive taxes. It's just a way for some legislator to put his name on a bill and say, "Look at me! I'm doing stuff! Keep funding my activities next election cycle!"
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May 11, 2013
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
Thomas Paine
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Mar 18, 2015
Brothers, here is what Sen. Bateman had to say in response to recent developments:

"The NJLEG website shows that the Assembly Bill came out of committee but was second referenced to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. You may want to contact the Chair of that committee, Assemblyman John Burzichelli, with your opposition to this legislation. To my knowledge S-284 has not moved.

Senator Kip Bateman"

Here is Assemblyman Burzichelli's email: AsmBurzichelli@njleg.org

Please take a few moments to draft a kindly worded email declaring your opposition to Bill S284.