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Venting my frustrations..

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Jan 9, 2014
Denton, Texas
Sorry in advanced. I am away from my family in a state that I don't know if I'm "supposed" to be doing. I have my wonderful wife, but I feel like I can't talk to her, as she gets sad/upset every time I mention anything.

A little back story. I got married and came to grad school for chemistry in Texas within 2 weeks of each other June/July of 2012. I busted my ass since then, but like many students got behind. I tried my damnedest to get caught back up by pulling an all nighter to get data for a paper I was writing. However, I did not think of the samples I was running. They had DNT in it, a precursor for TNT. TBH it is harmless, especially in the quantities in the samples. However, this gave me the ticket out of the group. This wasted almost two years of research time. I know it is great experience, but it makes it logically impossible for me to get my PhD. I fought it for a while and finally found a group that would take me, however he had no funding. Therefore, I sought a masters degree. Even less professors give masters, and most of the time, they are not supported (support is anything from full pay to a teaching position; I've taught the last 2 years). I talked to a professor Monday about a masters and she said she would have a spot this summer. I come back Wednesday to tell her that I would accept her offer and she was like "Oh.... about that spot... I have no money". Common theme for me right now.. However, I ask her about support in the fall. She said it is not guaranteed, but she's more likely to have some support then, but she doesn't want to take me because I will miss an entire summer's research. However, I am desperate at this point. I offer her my summer for free. 50 hours a week to do research in the hopes that I will get my masters degree. My wife is teaching summer school and has my would be salary covered, however, we still must cut back on a lot of things (including my cigar budget :argh::argh::argh::argh:). But there is still no guarantee that I will have funding in the fall. So I am now a broke ass, 50 hour a week, masters student, who now gets no pay for his work and no guarantee of his masters. Light one up for me tonight, brothers. I need it :)
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Good luck with everything Ramza! Just gotta hope it works out in the end. That 50 hours with no pay does sound bad, but sometimes it's just worth the risk. A member from my only other forum is pretty much paying to work, doing what you're doing I believe, and he's on his way to a PhD. So just stick with it, something has to come out of it, right
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Aug 12, 2012
Sorry about the frustrations. That blows. I guess I don't understand the process of getting your masters and this research and why you are basically free labor? But I'm a simpleton.
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
In my profession my last year of school I paid 30k tuition to work 60 hours a week for an entire year, basically bought me a ticket to sit for my boards


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Vent away buddy... Life's meant to be bitched about and by the sounds of it, you've got plenty of reason to bitch. What I don't understand is "logically impossible to get my PhD" because you'd have to start over?


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Heartbreaking to see how many students who spend their time...money...and effort to better themselves only to find roadblocks everywhere you go. The money spent on student loans is hypocritical at best where those who seek more education in a field that is a big fat "maybe" at best and then you battle family and friends as to sage advice as to what to do...how to do it etc. I admire those who have sacrificed everything for more education only to be turned inside out from the system and then they either have to serve an internship to which they sometimes know more than the teacher and then you have to worry about being able to make ends meet. So before I continue any advice PM your address as I have more cigars than I can smoke in 2 lifetimes and would love to send you out a "care package" as I don't do this because I feel sorry for you...I admire your resolve and your commitment to a higher education. Give me an idea of what you like or I'll just send you enough to get you by for a few months at best.

I'm from the baby boom generation where we started a job and just stayed with it even though I went to college. Much like you I got an education but it wasn't anything related to my studies so I just got in with a good reputable company and stayed there and worked my way up from entry level to Plant Manager over a period of 15 years..spent my last 10 years in a Manager role and then retired when I saw the handwriting on the wall as far as the future of that company. Stock options was my way out and when my company was taken over in a hostile move I knew the smart thing was to retire at 42 or just keep working for the same amount of money...easy choice for me.

Choices and wisdom are what is going to save you....education is a good thing but nowdays companies downsize at the drop of a hat...companies will and can be ruthless at times when you need the security the most. If your endeavor is to teach then tenure is your saving grace otherwise you are at the mercy of the system and sometimes even tenure is not what it used to be with school closings and such...you're at the mercy of a school board and the state as far as keeping your job. It becomes a climate of knowing what field to enter into with all of your education and then finding a niche to keep yourself viable in that field...it means being an employee of value where you are needed. It means choosing options within your field to keep whatever you can as far as stock options...IRA's....compensation and don't forget...always always choose that extra insurance when you do get hired like disability insurance because more people are caught with their pants down if they become disabled for sickness, injury, etc. There are a ton of variables to look at in a world where people are becoming more disposable...it's more about strategy than anything else and for those who specialize in the education process and want to become something within in their field of study it's a horse race to the top. Slow and steady was the process of my generation...we looked for companies that were stable...that paid out retirement benes...that had other options as far as medical, education, etc. Good companies will promote from within and PAY for your education as well. LMK if you'd like more advice as I had two kids who are now thankful for my insight as to how to navigate life and jobs without feeling compromised by what your story seems to tell me. One should never have to battle life by having more battlefields than choices.
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Dec 7, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Dude, that sucks. I feel for you...have you talked to all the professors in the dept.? I can't imagine that one mistake would be enough to get you booted, that's pretty harsh. Have you applied for any fellowships? Can you TA over the summer, or maybe teach at a local community college? Or tutoring? I got pretty lucky with funding during my Ph.D., but I knew some students that picked up teaching gigs on the side. Any prof would have to understand if you took 8-12 hours per week to do that, I would hope...

Good luck.
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Jan 9, 2014
Denton, Texas
I know the feeling. You're in Denton right?
Yes, sorry I never got back to you. Long week with the inlaws…. Cigar frogs sounds awesome.
Sorry about the frustrations. That blows. I guess I don't understand the process of getting your masters and this research and why you are basically free labor? But I'm a simpleton.
In my department, each professor has 3 slots for their students to teach as well as however much grant money can pay for students. I am number 5 on that list so IF I want to stay around and get a degree, it will have to be without pay.
Vent away buddy... Life's meant to be bitched about and by the sounds of it, you've got plenty of reason to bitch. What I don't understand is "logically impossible to get my PhD" because you'd have to start over?
Yes and no. I would have to start over. But since it took me 7 years to get my bachelor’s degree, I am dangerously close to maxing out student loans. Since I did not establish 1 year of work before going to school in Texas, I will always be considered an out of state student, doubling my tuition.
Dude, that sucks. I feel for you...have you talked to all the professors in the dept.? I can't imagine that one mistake would be enough to get you booted, that's pretty harsh. Have you applied for any fellowships? Can you TA over the summer, or maybe teach at a local community college? Or tutoring? I got pretty lucky with funding during my Ph.D., but I knew some students that picked up teaching gigs on the side. Any prof would have to understand if you took 8-12 hours per week to do that, I would hope...
Good luck.
The reply to 3/5King above describes why I can only get a masters. And there are only 2 people in the dept offering masters degrees. One is my old boss; therefor it is up to this one professor. There are a couple of nights/weekend jobs at Mary Kay in a couple towns over that I can work in tandem. I’ve sent them applications, but no word yet. Tutoring, TA, and fellowships are wrapped up in my general “funding”. As for the one mistake, it was a lot more complicated. I was on his bad side because I was already late on that paper. However I was righting the ship, but he was the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. My undergrad advisor knew him and warned me before I moved here lol..
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Jan 9, 2014
Denton, Texas
Heartbreaking to see how many students who spend their time...money...and effort to better themselves only to find roadblocks everywhere you go. The money spent on student loans is hypocritical at best where those who seek more education in a field that is a big fat "maybe" at best and then you battle family and friends as to sage advice as to what to do...how to do it etc. I admire those who have sacrificed everything for more education only to be turned inside out from the system and then they either have to serve an internship to which they sometimes know more than the teacher and then you have to worry about being able to make ends meet. So before I continue any advice PM your address as I have more cigars than I can smoke in 2 lifetimes and would love to send you out a "care package" as I don't do this because I feel sorry for you...I admire your resolve and your commitment to a higher education. Give me an idea of what you like or I'll just send you enough to get you by for a few months at best.

I'm from the baby boom generation where we started a job and just stayed with it even though I went to college. Much like you I got an education but it wasn't anything related to my studies so I just got in with a good reputable company and stayed there and worked my way up from entry level to Plant Manager over a period of 15 years..spent my last 10 years in a Manager role and then retired when I saw the handwriting on the wall as far as the future of that company. Stock options was my way out and when my company was taken over in a hostile move I knew the smart thing was to retire at 42 or just keep working for the same amount of money...easy choice for me.

Choices and wisdom are what is going to save you....education is a good thing but nowdays companies downsize at the drop of a hat...companies will and can be ruthless at times when you need the security the most. If your endeavor is to teach then tenure is your saving grace otherwise you are at the mercy of the system and sometimes even tenure is not what it used to be with school closings and such...you're at the mercy of a school board and the state as far as keeping your job. It becomes a climate of knowing what field to enter into with all of your education and then finding a niche to keep yourself viable in that field...it means being an employee of value where you are needed. It means choosing options within your field to keep whatever you can as far as stock options...IRA's....compensation and don't forget...always always choose that extra insurance when you do get hired like disability insurance because more people are caught with their pants down if they become disabled for sickness, injury, etc. There are a ton of variables to look at in a world where people are becoming more disposable...it's more about strategy than anything else and for those who specialize in the education process and want to become something within in their field of study it's a horse race to the top. Slow and steady was the process of my generation...we looked for companies that were stable...that paid out retirement benes...that had other options as far as medical, education, etc. Good companies will promote from within and PAY for your education as well. LMK if you'd like more advice as I had two kids who are now thankful for my insight as to how to navigate life and jobs without feeling compromised by what your story seems to tell me. One should never have to battle life by having more battlefields than choices.
Wow, there is some really great advice in here. My lifetime plan is to earn enough money to pay of my a$$load of student loans. Once I do that, I want to start my own company. I have a couple brews that have won some homebrew contests (idk what they're called.. I just had an AB:BM curchiull and a 6 pack of Highlfe lol), have the chemical background to start an operation, and have my college roommate market for me. Working for companies sounds like the worst thing ever, especially since they can replace you with the fresh-out-of-college guy who would kill for 1/3 of your pay, due to the thousands they owe from student loans. Government work for a chemist is test this. Over and over again. For the next 20 years... And academia is the worst rat race I've ever been part of.

The best thing that I ever did was learn a trade. I welded to subsidize the loans in my undergrad; I also brew a pretty mean beer. If technology/money/etc ends, I can always trade beer for goods. I have grown my own hops (though living in Arkansas at the time, worst tasting thing in the world) and have maintained a garden since I was 12. I am also one of the only people in the country to design/fabricate/build a previously unthought of instrument that would revolutionize the way we lived. I would be able to continue (sort of) that path with this professor and eventually work for who I want to work for. The company offered me an internship while I was with my old boss (deals off the table bc I'm not with him anymore :( ). Just gotta bust A$$ one more year. Sorry for the ramblings; Alcohol..

And as for the care package, I greatly appreciate that brother. I do not want to seem rude nor ungrateful, but I don't have room in my humidor -_- just had to rearrange to get the last 3 sticks I bought in there :)
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42   0   0
Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll send some KL and a mister bottle :king:
This is why I love this community. When I woke up this morning and read this, I smiled for the first time in what seems like days :) Just so much love
So that means you'll take cigary on his generous offer, right
Lmao hell yeah. That's ok Spanks, we'll find a bus driver if he doesn't play nice.