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Venting my frustrations..

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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll send some KL and a mister bottle :king:
This is why I love this community. When I woke up this morning and read this, I smiled for the first time in what seems like days :) Just so much love
So that means you'll take cigary on his generous offer, right
Lmao hell yeah. That's ok Spanks, we'll find a bus driver if he doesn't play nice.
We're pretty local to one another, ima just carry the cooler in my trunk till we meet lol


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll send some KL and a mister bottle :king:
This is why I love this community. When I woke up this morning and read this, I smiled for the first time in what seems like days :) Just so much love
So that means you'll take cigary on his generous offer, right
Lmao hell yeah. That's ok Spanks, we'll find a bus driver if he doesn't play nice.
We're pretty local to one another, ima just carry the cooler in my trunk till we meet lol
You know, bus driver isn't needed in this situation. Spanky can be the recipient, load up the cooler, then hand deliver. Problem solved...


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Sep 7, 2013
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll provide a cooler for ramza.
I'll send some KL and a mister bottle :king:
This is why I love this community. When I woke up this morning and read this, I smiled for the first time in what seems like days :) Just so much love
This is the best place ever. Keep your head together. You will be fine. I have a ton of student loans which I feel are for nothing. If I could have done it over again it would be very different. Disposable income sucks for me because of them. The amount I pay monthly is ridiculous. The only reason this hobby of mine is where it is is because of the brothers here. I'll also try to get involved in shipping you a care package. From one frustrated bro to another lol.
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Jul 8, 2011
Small Town, GA
Just wanted to say your story kind of stuck with me for the last couple of days; I hope it all works out.

Any way you can get a 2 year degree or training that would pay something in the interm; maybe xray tech or pharm tech? That's a lot of work you are going to put in for *maybe* a spot in the fall. They shouldn't be allowed to use you like that bro.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Anybody got an address on him he's not playing nice....
I have the brothers address and if you want to join forces to really blow him up PM me....I think we can really do something big. This goes for anybody else who wants to join in on the festivities and I'll coordinate the carnage.
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Jan 9, 2014
Denton, Texas
I just wanted to make a quick update. I haven't really been on that much lately. I've written about 50 pages worth of finals and finished my graduate class load. No more classes. Ever. Never again. Finito. I have been in contact with a professor to get my masters. We had a final meeting today and she told me no. Instead of accepting no, I explained how I would bust my ass and how much i knew about instrumentation. She kind of hesitated, told me she wanted to weed out her group-make them thinner- but I could see she was fighting it.

See, her background is in chromatography, what I want my degree in. I basically told her that its a shame that there is only one student working on 4 instruments and that she could he getting a lot more data. She then started talking about the faults of students past and current on those systems. I just talked about how I would do it like this instead of that and why. She paused and then asked me if I wanted to see which desk was mine.

Thank you for everyone for letting me vent, for the prayers, and for being brothers. I now have a position, though funding is not guaranteed, and since I'm now a masters student, I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. But there is still hope. And that makes me happy. I have a T-52 I've been saving for a special occasion. God is good :).


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Way to go, man!

Can you spend the summer applying for grants and scholarships? Maybe the money won't come right away, but (take it from someone who was in your boots) every little bit counts... Even if it is a few months behind.
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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
As a student too i feel your pain. When i went back to school i had some money put up and thought i would make it through i almost made it lol. Getting close to the end here only six classes to go i need some supplemental income to cover my bills and habits cigars and gym shoes. Not as rough a situation as yours but i know how frustrating it can be trying to better yourself.
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Jan 9, 2014
Denton, Texas
Whew! Reading that thread was almost as good as Game of Thrones! Glad to hear some good came of it.
Not enough skin or death for GoT! Need more skin…
As a student too i feel your pain. When i went back to school i had some money put up and thought i would make it through i almost made it lol. Getting close to the end here only six classes to go i need some supplemental income to cover my bills and habits cigars and gym shoes. Not as rough a situation as yours but i know how frustrating it can be trying to better yourself.
Keep going brother. It will pay off in the end. Even if you have to get loans. Its worth it.
Way to go, man!

Can you spend the summer applying for grants and scholarships? Maybe the money won't come right away, but (take it from someone who was in your boots) every little bit counts... Even if it is a few months behind.
I have already applied for grants, and since my wife makes so much (haha she’s a teacher) I don’t qualify for any need based grants and don’t have a high enough GPA for the competitive grants. I talked to the head secretary and she said there is a TA position available and I was the lead person for it, except I didn’t have a group, so they said no. Now that I’m in a group, she got the ball rolling for me. Fingers crossed. I got approved for $10K worth of student loans. So if the worst comes to the worst, then I have that option. I’m already $75K in, 10K for my last year is but a drop in the bucket…
Awesome...... I was so tense reading this a congratulatory package is I order
:) I appreciate that brother, but no package is needed (giggity).