I just wanted to make a quick update. I haven't really been on that much lately. I've written about 50 pages worth of finals and finished my graduate class load. No more classes. Ever. Never again. Finito. I have been in contact with a professor to get my masters. We had a final meeting today and she told me no. Instead of accepting no, I explained how I would bust my ass and how much i knew about instrumentation. She kind of hesitated, told me she wanted to weed out her group-make them thinner- but I could see she was fighting it.
See, her background is in chromatography, what I want my degree in. I basically told her that its a shame that there is only one student working on 4 instruments and that she could he getting a lot more data. She then started talking about the faults of students past and current on those systems. I just talked about how I would do it like this instead of that and why. She paused and then asked me if I wanted to see which desk was mine.
Thank you for everyone for letting me vent, for the prayers, and for being brothers. I now have a position, though funding is not guaranteed, and since I'm now a masters student, I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. But there is still hope. And that makes me happy. I have a T-52 I've been saving for a special occasion. God is good
