Yea man we've all fallen down the very steep slippery slope... Nobody's complaining so keep going.
Thanks! I don't have a hygrometer for the out side (yet). I am still struggling a little but with the humidity going up and down. I'm sure its just because of all the dead space. Most of the boxes are empty just to help with RH. I'm currently working on getting a fan wired back in it. Hopefully that helps out too.I second that!Damn, bro, that's badass!I went from 2 - 100 ct humis to 5 and then to this fridge... Stupid botl
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It looks like there are a couple of small hygrometers in there. Do you have a hygrometer or humidifier whose display is on the outside of the fridge?
muhahahahahahai don't have a hygrometer for the out sidei second that!damn, bro, that's badass!i went from 2 - 100 ct humis to 5 and then to this fridge... Stupid botl
sent from my droid razr using tapatalk
It looks like there are a couple of small hygrometers in there. Do you have a hygrometer or humidifier whose display is on the outside of the fridge?
Thanks! But. Not all of the boxes are what's in it. Mostly singles. And most of the boxes are empty to help with RH.Dude, just zoomed in on your fridge... There are some amazing sticks in there!
I heard there's someone here on botl that does custom drawers. I'd be curious to see what that would cost me. But that's something i have thought about quite a bit. Sorry i high jacked this thread....I'd imagine that one of the difficulties of maintaining the RH is that when you open the door, the air inside the fridge is going to match the RH of the ambient air around it very quickly because it's such a huge opening. Maybe consider adding more drawers inside there?
Wait, what was the muhahaha for?Lol I'm not one of those type. We can start talking about Dalmatians if you want, idc.
You don't have a remote hygroWait, what was the muhahaha for?Lol I'm not one of those type. We can start talking about Dalmatians if you want, idc.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
That's nice! I do however still have the fan from it that i pulled out. My thoughts were just putting an adjustable speed switch on it. I have wire sitting around tooCheap battery operated cooling fan
China!I just wanna know how deep this rabbit hole actually goes
Chinas sun....China!I just wanna know how deep this rabbit hole actually goes
Did you take the red pill or the blue?I just wanna know how deep this rabbit hole actually goes
Did you take the red pill or the blue?I just wanna know how deep this rabbit hole actually goes
Yeah exactly that problem!