BoM October 2006
This is the correct answer!What time is it?
It's Time to Get Ale!
This is the correct answer!What time is it?
It's Time to Get Ale!
All right you need to Wasch your language!:grin:Steve, you need to Wasch your ass...
You Wasch posting Whore you!! :rofl:I don't get it. :dunno:
Mike made this thread to try and get me to post my 1000th post. :dunno:
Thank g-d for a second there I thought you where going to tell us that where going to go Wasch your balls. :rolling:I'm gonna go Wasch my golf cart...then wasch some golf balls go flying around!
I live in Waschington State.Glad my Waschington Redskins won yesterday.
Man that is nasty & funny :rofl:Hey, I need to go Wasch my a round of golf tomorrow, and you shouldn't play with dirty balls...