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Wasp nest on balcony (my smoking spot)

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Feb 5, 2015
Just noticed this thread and have to say something.I was in PC for 22 years,and the only time I was stung,was the nest I didn't know was there.Any kind of soapy or thick liquid will coat their wings so they can't fly.Starter fluid will freeze them instantly.If they were sunning on the shade the nest will be close by,look at the roof,facil,andtrim around the area and see if ther are any openings big enough to put a pencil into.Spray those as well as along the edge of the roof shingles.Raid is a good choice the residual will last a few weeks.Keep in mind,wasps attack movement,bees attack by scent.If they swarm at you stand as still as you can.I've had them attack my spray can while I was killing the nest.I have over the years developed an allergy to wasps,so they are on my permanent shit list.Just for curiousity ,were these big red suckers, about an inch and a half to two inches long?if so they're hornets and most likely in the roof boards and will be back next spring if you don't find the opening and or nest.
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Mar 14, 2015
Denver, CO
Hey man, yep they were big. biggest bees I've ever seen.

No problem though. That raid stuff is absurdly effective. They just dropped out of the sky. If they show again I'll be ready.

I've had countless pipes out on my balcony since then, it's been glorious!


Glass Gars Guns Garden
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Aug 27, 2017
North East Tennessee
Though it is been late for me to reply, is the problem resolved or still there. Wasps are a fearsome creature that can sting repeatedly and cause serious allergic reactions in some people. There are many ways that can help a person to get rid of wasps without killing them. There are many do it yourself techniques available that can help like using essential oils, using wasp traps, one can also use the natural wasp sprays that are available in the market, if they do not want to perform the task on their own, they can also take some professional help from Exterminator Cheshire CT to exterminate the house and help them get rid of wasps.
Hey spammy outsourced foreign marketer guy, you're wasting your time and your clients money. Your posts are not relevant or location appropriate. Take this behavior elsewhere @CharlesFoster
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May 21, 2017
Oh, come on guys. I want to see someone take on a colony of wasps using essential oils. I would only ask them to please film it. I'll watch it anytime I'm feeling bored.

But somehow I think if the guy deathly allergic to wasps has had a nest on his balcony since 2015, he's dead and the wasps won.


Hot Ketchup
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Jul 24, 2018
Kansas City, MO
Oh, come on guys. I want to see someone take on a colony of wasps using essential oils. I would only ask them to please film it. I'll watch it anytime I'm feeling bored.

But somehow I think if the guy deathly allergic to wasps has had a nest on his balcony since 2015, he's dead and the wasps won.
Ok this made me spit my water all over my phone.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Oh, come on guys. I want to see someone take on a colony of wasps using essential oils. I would only ask them to please film it. I'll watch it anytime I'm feeling bored.

But somehow I think if the guy deathly allergic to wasps has had a nest on his balcony since 2015, he's dead and the wasps won.
Essential Oils are foolish... the real way to de-escalate wasp hostilities is to align the wasp's abdominal chakra with the human heart chakra... and everyone knows that can only be accomplished thru mediation while burning sage under the wasp nest.


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The General
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Dec 2, 2014
Jacksonville, NC
Removing wasps nest is a difficult task to achieve. We are currently facing the same issue. A few days back we encountered a wasps nest on our roof. We have tried using wasps traps and a raid wasps killer. But in this process, my brother got a serious wasps sting. Therefore, now to avoid more such stings, we are planning to take help of wasp removal NJ professional contractor. What else can be done to ensure my family's safety from the harmful wasps?
Lol you guys do not stop all.... gtfo
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May 21, 2017
Removing wasps nest is a difficult task to achieve. We are currently facing the same issue. A few days back we encountered a wasps nest on our roof. We have tried using wasps traps and a raid wasps killer. But in this process, my brother got a serious wasps sting. Therefore, now to avoid more such stings, we are planning to take help of wasp removal NJ professional contractor. What else can be done to ensure my family's safety from the harmful wasps?
They say that if you eat things they don't like, such as garlic or spicy food, mosquitoes will avoid you.

I wonder if the same principle applies to wasps... Garlic probably wouldn't help, but if you suck down a can or three of wasp spray, perhaps they will fly right by you.
If you decide to try, let us know how it goes. And film it, please.
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