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Weird shit that you do.


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Feb 2, 2015
Carlton,MN Western End of Lake Superior
i use chapstick 8000 times a day

carmex, in the clicky stick thingy only

i buy like 30 at a time(basically whatever is on the shelf when i reload)

worst part about spending a couple overnighters in jail when i was younger was not being in jail, it was not having chap stick. Not joking. I fear a place where i cant have chapstick
Missed that part!
You kept referring to Chapstick and that was why I responded.
Yes, I was one of those that was addicted till a young lady pointed out and suggested Carmex. Still always have some in my pocket and never leave home with out it.


The fly in the ointment.
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Jul 21, 2014
I see the same band multiple times every year, in multiple states and always have an amazing time.
Some people think that is very weird and say things like "Isn't seeing them one time enough?" "Don't you get bored?" "How can that be fun?"
Usually I just laugh and walk away!

I guess it depends on which band. I mean if it's like New Kids On the Block, that's pretty weird.
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May 11, 2013
Hard to get bored. Phish does rock, blues, funk, jazz, folk, barbershop quartet.... did I miss anything?


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I guess I didn't think about it being weird earlier but I only wear black Dickies work shirts and usually buy a couple Doc Martins at a time to last me quite a few years for shoes. I also only own a couple pair of jeans and rotate 5 Dickies shirts.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I see the same band multiple times every year, in multiple states and always have an amazing time.
Some people think that is very weird and say things like "Isn't seeing them one time enough?" "Don't you get bored?" "How can that be fun?"
Usually I just laugh and walk away!
to those people I say how can you buy a cd or mp3 and listen to the same songs over and over again every day. Doesn't that get old?

I guess I didn't think about it being weird earlier but I only wear black Dickies work shirts and usually buy a couple Doc Martins at a time to last me quite a few years for shoes. I also only own a couple pair of jeans and rotate 5 Dickies shirts.
Sounds like me in high school. I caught hell from most of the school. Of course being the guy from Cali in a small town in Missouri I was basically the resident "G". I embrased it.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Random thoughts bring more of these to mind. The one that drives my wife nuts is how I change my accent based on who I am speaking with. Hazard of my work environment is that I tend to pick up a southern accent when dealing with work or talking business. its just how I speak.
When I visit in CA I develop a Mexican accent. Porduct of growing up as one of two white families in the varrio.
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Mar 11, 2015
Mesa AZ
Random thoughts bring more of these to mind. The one that drives my wife nuts is how I change my accent based on who I am speaking with. Hazard of my work environment is that I tend to pick up a southern accent when dealing with work or talking business. its just how I speak.
When I visit in CA I develop a Mexican accent. Porduct of growing up as one of two white families in the varrio.
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Mar 31, 2015
Random thoughts bring more of these to mind. The one that drives my wife nuts is how I change my accent based on who I am speaking with. Hazard of my work environment is that I tend to pick up a southern accent when dealing with work or talking business. its just how I speak.
When I visit in CA I develop a Mexican accent. Porduct of growing up as one of two white families in the varrio.
I do this too. I grew up in Detroit but moved to the UP after high school. I can switch from Ebonics to Yooper on the drop of dime depending on who I'm talking to.
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Sep 11, 2014
rock hill sc
Lol wow.... OK here's mine I guess

I keep my wallet in my front left pocket, my lighter and my knife in my front right, and my cell in my back right. Always.. And my keys have to be clipped to my belt loop before I leave.

I always eat my food one at a time. Burger, then fries, and so on. Never together.

I too have to have something to read on the toilet.

I talk to my dog....

I have no problem telling a complete stranger to discipline there kids. ( can't stand a kid screaming and throwing stuff and the parents act like its not happening....)

Can't stand rap music....

I only listen to hard rock or classic symphony.... I know strange.

I think chicks with glasses are hot...

I like beer...

I also measure my dogs food.... Even tho I'm a fat ass myself lol
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Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
I see the same band multiple times every year, in multiple states and always have an amazing time.
Some people think that is very weird and say things like "Isn't seeing them one time enough?" "Don't you get bored?" "How can that be fun?"
Usually I just laugh and walk away!
I can relate! I've seen lynard skynard 6 times w my dad!


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
I have no problem telling a complete stranger to discipline there kids. ( can't stand a kid screaming and throwing stuff and the parents act like its not happening....)
Sometimes it's not acting like nothing's happening. It's simply holding in the desire to unleash hell with a fury of reckless abandonment.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I agree with you on that, and it does bother me for sure. At the school where I teach, I always dress sharp and professional. I iron all my shirts and pants b/c not doing so just looks like total sh*t. Some teachers show up looking like a wrinkle-bomb blew up in their room every morning, or show up wearing something that's just not professional.
My parents and grandparents always stressed the importance of looking good, and then the Marine Corps just solidified that for me.

Weird thing that I do...I count the numbers in words and then try to arrange the words into groups with equal letters. The words can be from a conversation I'm having, or a billboards, sign, song, etc. It started long, long ago, and I don't do it much anymore; but every once in a while it creeps back into my head!
Oh holy cow....I have my OCD with letters and numbers and such and having to end things on an even number of activities that I do...that's so exhausting. I can remember when I was a kid that I'd walk a mile to school and couldn't remember if I closed my door on an even number after opening it in the morning....I'd walk home another mile and open and close that f'n door until it was closed on an even number....then I'd count off some stupid numbers and then walk back to school another friggin mile. Like yourself I've managed to not let this control my life but as you said...some things just creep back into your mind. You and I should meet up and have a few beers and talk about things like this...sometimes just talking with others who have shared this kind of thing tends to keep us in check where we don't continue the same ole habits.


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
Oh holy cow....I have my OCD with letters and numbers and such and having to end things on an even number of activities that I do...that's so exhausting. I can remember when I was a kid that I'd walk a mile to school and couldn't remember if I closed my door on an even number after opening it in the morning....I'd walk home another mile and open and close that f'n door until it was closed on an even number....then I'd count off some stupid numbers and then walk back to school another friggin mile. Like yourself I've managed to not let this control my life but as you said...some things just creep back into your mind. You and I should meet up and have a few beers and talk about things like this...sometimes just talking with others who have shared this kind of thing tends to keep us in check where we don't continue the same ole habits.
I used to have skip a step if there were odd numbers on the stairs. The house I grew up in had 13 steps going to the upstairs where the bedrooms were, and every time I used them I had to skip a step somewhere to make the number of steps 12. To me 13 was way bad luck, and then it wasn't an even number, so that added more problems for me. This went on for years, and I think it finally stopped when I went to Marine boot camp. There's no time to count numbers of stairs when you're having the sh*t kicked out of you every day, so I assume that was how that habit broke!
It's crazy to me b/c it starts out so harmless, and then it becomes something so serious that you can't risk it.
If you're ever near or in Philly, let me know.
I'll be sure to do the same if I ever head to San Diego or Atlanta!

I can relate! I've seen lynard skynard 6 times w my dad!
Nice man!


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I used to have skip a step if there were odd numbers on the stairs. The house I grew up in had 13 steps going to the upstairs where the bedrooms were, and every time I used them I had to skip a step somewhere to make the number of steps 12. To me 13 was way bad luck, and then it wasn't an even number, so that added more problems for me. This went on for years, and I think it finally stopped when I went to Marine boot camp. There's no time to count numbers of stairs when you're having the sh*t kicked out of you every day, so I assume that was how that habit broke!
It's crazy to me b/c it starts out so harmless, and then it becomes something so serious that you can't risk it.
If you're ever near or in Philly, let me know.
I'll be sure to do the same if I ever head to San Diego or Atlanta!
I love Philly....we intend on going there again within a years time to visit all of the history and eat my weight in philly cheesesteaks. I think I was able to kick most of my OCD things was because I was always exhausted mentally and physically from the stress of repeating things....I'm thinking cigars actually helped me calm the eff down to where I could just sit there and relax w/o thinking about anything. Had I known that I'd have started smoking cigars at 9 years old instead of 16.