Craig Mac
BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
After thinking about it for a while now my decission was made for me today. This afternoon my three year old Motorola Razor stopped working. I took it out to the car and plugged it in to the charger to see if the battery was dead. From there it wouldn't do anything. I left it plugged in to the charger on the way home from work, and after stopping at the store when I started the car "Charging Battery" came up on the screen. So I half openned it and powered it up. The phone came on but once I opened the phone again it went blank.
After taking it apart several times and powering it up I found I could partially open it and use it long enough to transfer the numbers over to my SIM card. I then headed up to the store and browsed phones. Let me tell you, I am the worst person in the world to be doing that because I never know what I want. So I avoid the salespeople for the first 30 minutes I am there, then started asking questions. After I asked all the necessary questions and weighed all the pros and cons, I made my decission...
Now I'll probably spend most of the evening playing with my new toy. Any one got any tips or suggestions for me??
After taking it apart several times and powering it up I found I could partially open it and use it long enough to transfer the numbers over to my SIM card. I then headed up to the store and browsed phones. Let me tell you, I am the worst person in the world to be doing that because I never know what I want. So I avoid the salespeople for the first 30 minutes I am there, then started asking questions. After I asked all the necessary questions and weighed all the pros and cons, I made my decission...
Now I'll probably spend most of the evening playing with my new toy. Any one got any tips or suggestions for me??