I feel your pain, Danno! Several years ago, I was let go from a six figure executive job at a privately held corporation because I did not immediately admonish/discipline one of my employees for accidently sending an inappropriate email to the entire company. I lost 4 years of profit sharing and it took me 6 months to find a better job..... The employee who actually sent the email was "protected". I had to go to court for wrongful termination and eventually settled. During that process, I found out that many other employees had been let go for lesser offenses and without warning, because the family owners had deep pockets and had a "one strike and you are out" culture. They fired you and hoped that you wouldn't sue... and if you did, they felt it was better to just write you a check and send you on your way. It kept everyone afraid of losing their jobs...... my lawyer called it "golden handcuffs".....
The lesson I learned is to never get comfortable and when it comes to a paycheck and quality of life.... true friends will never do anything to jeopardize YOURS. In addition, I learned to constantly network and have another option available at all times.... the company cares about your work, not you..... they can always find someone else to do your work... and usually for less money.
And about unions..... I currently manage 1000 union employees. In MY situation... all I can say is that the unions do everything they possibly can to stifle productivity, reward bad behavior, villianize excellence, and inhibit accountability. It is pathetic. There is no hope of ever building any type of single organizational culture that rewards excellence and continuous improvement as long as management and the rank and file are constantly mistrustful of each other and the union strives for the acceptable level of mediocrity when it comes to responsibility and performance.