YES!Best Toots cover
YES!Best Toots cover
Dude, YES!Sticking with The Specials and Toots, adding a bad ass
They taught you well! I was lucky enough to be driving age when ska shows were still going strong (but at the tail end). Ask me about my sideburns, black and white wingtips, etc....Old new ska (I hate that name). The bassist of this band (Dan Andriano iirc) moved on to The Alkaline Trio. The vocalist (Brendan Kelly) formed one of my favorite bands, the Lawrence Arms. The trombone player played on one of Less than Jake's albums.
I blame my siblings for my taste in music. My older brother likes hardcore / punk rock stuff. My older sister likes R&B, reggae, ska. As the baby of us three, they felt it necessary to give me an eclectic background in music. Some of this stuff came out before I was born xD
You were the ska core guy with the black and white Doc Martins? xDThey taught you well! I was lucky enough to be driving age when ska shows were still going strong (but at the tail end). Ask me about my sideburns, black and white wingtips, etc....![]()
We are crushing it so hard in this thread. Pick it up pick it up!Since we're on the Ska tip...
OMG my older brother gave me a Label Sampler with this song on it back in the day. It was Hellcat records I think.Since we're on the Ska tip...
I love the lyrics. Wicked solo too.
Give 'em the Boot! Those samplers went so hard.OMG my older brother gave me a Label Sampler with this song on it back in the day. It was Hellcat records I think.
HOLY SHIT THAT'S EXACTLY WUT IT WAS!!! I think I'm the only person that has CD's anymore They're hand-me-downs...Give 'em the Boot! Those samplers went so hard.
Oh God no I have a whole closet full. Rarely listen to them because I can just find whatever it is on Spotify....but it's more like a "oh I remember buying this CD and a patch at their merch table from a cute girl with a nose ring and a Chelsea cut" type nostalgia. Though for lots of those obscure mix CDs...yeah, not gonna find those on Spotify and lots of the artists on there were one song/album wonders.HOLY SHIT THAT'S EXACTLY WUT IT WAS!!! I think I'm the only person that has CD's anymore They're hand-me-downs...