Pardon my ignorance, but did one guy smoke all of these in one day? Impressive*Saturday Herf* (Sorry no pic.)
09' Cohiba Siglo IV
19' Cohiba Robusto
04' Ramon Allones PC
21' Partagas Habaneros (Thanks Jose)
14' Sancho Panza Eslavo Edición Regional Serbia 109
80' R&J Corona (Thanks Jay)
02' Cohiba Reserva Selección Coronas Especiales
05' Juan López Selección No.2
Yep I have slowed down as I have gotten olderPardon my ignorance, but did one guy smoke all of these in one day? Impressive
Well you take the old saying, "Smoke if ya got 'em" to a whole new level. I guess the only criteria for you in order to smoke a cigar is being awake.Yep I have slowed down as I have gotten older
I was at a Herf that is held once a year for three days!
I skipped Fri. just to Hot for back to back 94 days!
09 RA Celestiales Finos
Custom roll from Gerards 40yr old
80s R&J tube #2
95 SLR Regios
16’ Juan López Malecon Edición Regional Andorra
98 Bolivar corona
09' Cohiba Siglo IV
19' Cohiba Robusto
04' Ramon Allones PC
21' Partagas Habaneros (Thanks Jose)
14' Sancho Panza Eslavo Edición Regional Serbia 109
80' R&J Corona (Thanks Jay)
02' Cohiba Reserva Selección Coronas Especiales
05' Juan López Selección No.2
I’m so prone to nausea, I don’t think I’ll ever do a real herf. Seriously, everything has the potential to take me out... nicotine, alcohol, heat, standing, walking, haha. I usually have to have some sweet tea, or water with some cranberry juice to drink while I smoke. Rare occasions when I drink alcohol with a smoke. But yeah, I’m doing good if I can have more than one cigar a day. 10 - 20 years ago and I’d smoke three or four some days. Don’t know if it’s vertigo or what, but it sucks. Reading your list makes me drool, and then jealous that you CAN smoke all those beauties in a few days!Yep I have slowed down as I have gotten older
I was at a Herf that is held once a year for three days!
I skipped Fri. just to Hot for back to back 94 days!
09 RA Celestiales Finos
Custom roll from Gerards 40yr old
80s R&J tube #2
95 SLR Regios
16’ Juan López Malecon Edición Regional Andorra
98 Bolivar corona
09' Cohiba Siglo IV
19' Cohiba Robusto
04' Ramon Allones PC
21' Partagas Habaneros (Thanks Jose)
14' Sancho Panza Eslavo Edición Regional Serbia 109
80' R&J Corona (Thanks Jay)
02' Cohiba Reserva Selección Coronas Especiales
05' Juan López Selección No.2
I have had the nicotine overload a few times, I call it Havana Overload"I’m so prone to nausea, I don’t think I’ll ever do a real herf. Seriously, everything has the potential to take me out... nicotine, alcohol, heat, standing, walking, haha. I usually have to have some sweet tea, or water with some cranberry juice to drink while I smoke. Rare occasions when I drink alcohol with a smoke. But yeah, I’m doing good if I can have more than one cigar a day. 10 - 20 years ago and I’d smoke three or four some days. Don’t know if it’s vertigo or what, but it sucks. Reading your list makes me drool, and then jealous that you CAN smoke all those beauties in a few days!
Man I wish I could walk in to a shop and buy cubans in personWell you take the old saying, "Smoke if ya got 'em" to a whole new level. I guess the only criteria for you in order to smoke a cigar is being awake.
When I am in buying mode at a good supplier I'll purchase a bunch of different singles of what I like, provided they have full boxes of the same box codes in the back. Smoke those 4 or 5 singles all that day, maybe not to completion, usually they are too young, but you get an idea of construction and future age-ability, enough to know if you are going to return the next day and purchase at the box level.
Yes that was the order Well I just love CohibaWas that the order you smoked everything in? Sat was a strong start with the Sig IV and CoRo.
Used to smoke 4 a night at my PT job at a Cigar Lounge for 10 yearsAnyone that can do all those smokes in the same day (herf or no herf) probably smokes 3-6 a day on average (just a guess). I would go brokeor have to go back to my childhood White Owl Invincibles just to keep from going bankrupt.
Only 3 smilies for the Galanes Mark? I loved the ones I smoked.Wednesday nights Cigars:
20' Por Larrañaga Galanes - Brioche Bread, Caramel, Shortbread Cookies![]()
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