it'd probably easier to answer whats not lined up... we've got a lot of hunting planned this year... 
I just got back from Peru the first of July.. we busted cinnamon teal and pintails down there for a few days..
Dove opens in a few weeks.. Ive got a place not too far out of town that I can pretty easily hit every weekend (less than a 45 minute drive) if Im not chasing something else..
Then teal down south and mallards about an hour north of here once teal/duck season opens..
Ive got a combo deer (doe) / hog hunt laid on with a group of old military buddies the first week of october.. and I am sure I will continue to hunt deer off and on through the rest of the season.. Ive got a place here in TX to hunt, and a place in TN as well that I might visit at least once this year..
Chasing fall turkey in Virginia in November.. Will likely try to do black bear while I am there as well (across the border in North Carolina.. my buddy owns farmland in both Virginia and NC.. he's got a bunch of bears that hassle the hell out of his cattle on the NC side that he'd like to get rid of once season opens)..
Elk in Colorado for at least a couple of days in November..
Oh.. and in January a buddy from South Africa is coming to the US for a couple of weeks and staying with us... he is dying to do a pig hunt.. so I am sure we'll get out in the woods a couple of times to shoot oinkers while he is here...
The wife and I are headed back to Argentina in March for dove and pigeon (and to do some golden dorado fishing).. we MIGHT go after blackbuck and argetinian water buffalo while we are there as well.. undecided on that for now though..
Then I finish the 2018-2019 "season" in South Africa in June... I'm headed over for Cape Buffalo... (I'm in the middle of building a rifle specifically for that hunt right now.. a .416 Taylor.. I was actually just out in the garage getting some of my tools in order.. I plan on cutting the chamber sometime next week and will do some work on the stock if I find some spare time.. the plan is to have the rifle done by Christmas.. and then practice/train with it for 6 months prior to taking it after "black death")..
Im sure I'll squeeze a few more things in there as well (spring turkey is a pretty safe bet.. I just havent planned that yet..)
Time to fill the freezer back up!
(One of the very few perks of all of the travel I have to do for work is I rarely if ever actually have to pay for flights when I travel for personal reasons... I've got enough miles stored on United and American to last me a very long time... and with the wife working in the hotel industry, rooms are never more than $50 a night anywhere we go (occasionally we get them for $35).. so traveling to hunt, both domestically and internationally is pretty low cost for us.. we can spend a week hunting in Africa, Europe, or South America for less than most people spend on a weekend at Six Flags)...
I just got back from Peru the first of July.. we busted cinnamon teal and pintails down there for a few days..
Dove opens in a few weeks.. Ive got a place not too far out of town that I can pretty easily hit every weekend (less than a 45 minute drive) if Im not chasing something else..
Then teal down south and mallards about an hour north of here once teal/duck season opens..
Ive got a combo deer (doe) / hog hunt laid on with a group of old military buddies the first week of october.. and I am sure I will continue to hunt deer off and on through the rest of the season.. Ive got a place here in TX to hunt, and a place in TN as well that I might visit at least once this year..
Chasing fall turkey in Virginia in November.. Will likely try to do black bear while I am there as well (across the border in North Carolina.. my buddy owns farmland in both Virginia and NC.. he's got a bunch of bears that hassle the hell out of his cattle on the NC side that he'd like to get rid of once season opens)..
Elk in Colorado for at least a couple of days in November..
Oh.. and in January a buddy from South Africa is coming to the US for a couple of weeks and staying with us... he is dying to do a pig hunt.. so I am sure we'll get out in the woods a couple of times to shoot oinkers while he is here...
The wife and I are headed back to Argentina in March for dove and pigeon (and to do some golden dorado fishing).. we MIGHT go after blackbuck and argetinian water buffalo while we are there as well.. undecided on that for now though..
Then I finish the 2018-2019 "season" in South Africa in June... I'm headed over for Cape Buffalo... (I'm in the middle of building a rifle specifically for that hunt right now.. a .416 Taylor.. I was actually just out in the garage getting some of my tools in order.. I plan on cutting the chamber sometime next week and will do some work on the stock if I find some spare time.. the plan is to have the rifle done by Christmas.. and then practice/train with it for 6 months prior to taking it after "black death")..
Im sure I'll squeeze a few more things in there as well (spring turkey is a pretty safe bet.. I just havent planned that yet..)
Time to fill the freezer back up!
(One of the very few perks of all of the travel I have to do for work is I rarely if ever actually have to pay for flights when I travel for personal reasons... I've got enough miles stored on United and American to last me a very long time... and with the wife working in the hotel industry, rooms are never more than $50 a night anywhere we go (occasionally we get them for $35).. so traveling to hunt, both domestically and internationally is pretty low cost for us.. we can spend a week hunting in Africa, Europe, or South America for less than most people spend on a weekend at Six Flags)...
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