I thought that it would be a good idea to start a thread where we can put down all the little insignificant stuff that pisses us off day to day.
I'll start: I can't stand when people where moccasin slippers as everyday shoes.
Lol, guilty

eace:, but mine are wicked cool Realtree camo!
Okay, these are all work related...
1.) People that can't seem to show up for their appointments on time. It happens all the time at work and it really really really makes me the most impolite individual. If you're supposed to have your animal in our clinic between 7:00 and 7:30 AM for surgery check-in and you come strolling in around 9:30 like there's nothing wrong with that...you've got another thing coming. If you made an appoinemnt at 2:00 PM Tuesday for Fluffy and come strolling in on Thrusday at 9:00 AM because you either forgot when you made your appointment and then get upset because I don't have a doctor available to see your pet...I'm sorry it's your own fault, they're called calendars (they even have them on that $300 cell phone you obviously don't know how to use!)
2.) People that know more than the medical professional. If you have a sick pet and you bring him to the clinic I work at wanting to find out what's wrong with him, we will do everything we can to make that animal better. But if you already know what's wrong with your pet because Joe Blow (who lives next to you and works at Mc Donalds) told you and you'd rather take his word for it than the guy who spent 8 years (or more) in school to learn how to diagnose and treat your pet...why in the hell are you coming to us??
3.) People who do not understand what "we will call you when they're ready" means. No we haven't forgotten and no your calling every 5 minutes is not going to speed up the process.
And these are just in general...
1.) People who shouldn't reproduce, but do out of either desire to do so or drunken ignorance.
2.) People who say "I don't mean to be rude, but..." Because you f***ing do so just embrase who you are and do it!
3.) People who are incompetent at life in the real world.
Ah :stretchgr that feels better. Thank for the thread!