The German Habanos importer freeze their cigars for 7 days at -4°F (if you understand German language, you can check it out on They state that
this procedure guarantees elimination of lasioderma (the tobacco beetle) and has no negative influence on the taste of the cigars.
When browsing German language cigar forums, a vast majority of users have never had the beetle, but some have. On cigars bought from the official importer that freezes them. Their theory is as follows:
- freezing works, but the freezing isnt good enough, boxes are frozen in batches and the ones in the middle dont get cold enough and some larves survive
- to be sure not to ever get beetles, you have to freeze the cigars again yourself, for at least 4 days at -4°F or lower
The humidor / cigar specialist I talked to said that lasioderma does not develop above 65°F, so keeping the cigars at that for storing and putting them in a humidor a few days before smoking them should be fine.