Mikenice81: No I can't, when I was at JR I worked for them as an "executive consultant" and it would be inappropriate for me to take credit for anything. Plus it would be dishonest, no product during my tenure there could ever be credited to any single person - lots of great people were involved in the making of their blends and brands. The only person during my tenure that could make a legit claim imo is the former owner and my friend, Lew Rothman.
Luckybastard: Thanks for the kind words, I do appreciate them. The "fanboy" issue is a sticky one... Look I am guilty of being one myself for certain makers and brands and I know I like to lend my personal support and express my admiration for them and their work also. And I know it is nice to hear from consumers that they appreciate what you contribute to the cigar world, it is always reaffirming to receive honest praise. The key word in that sentence is "honest" - I know there are some fanboys that just post praise that is unwarranted at times. Also there are some that are being 100% legit, but they praise you too often and well while that might boost the receiver's ego, it is actually counterproductive. I mean there is nothing more irritating to other readers than always reading "bromance" posts, it can actually turn people against you or your product for no other reason than they are tired of reading about how great you or it may be. So when I see someone's praise that reaches that level I typically reach out to person privately and let them know that I really do appreciate their support, but ask them to be a bit more judicious in how often and to what degree they post their positive comments. It is a very tough balancing act and one that is impossible to ever do perfectly.