I just changed my Avatar. This is my 13 year old son from last night. He has been attending the Paul Green School of Rock Music for a couple seasons. They do a show every 3 months or so. This weekend's show was The Doors. He is playing slide guitar here to "Who do you love"? Bo Diddley ala Jim Morrison.
Well Alf of course!! I love cats. They rock with catchup or chili sauce. Oh they r excellent as stir fry and roasted over an open fire on a spit!!!!!!
MMMMMM roast tabby!
Im a medical student and it seems like all the texts books ever talk about are how every single disease is associated with smoking in some way. Well, I love my cigars to much to quit, and since benzopyrene is the "big" carcinogenic agent in smoke, I figured it suited me. Thats where I got my name, and my avatar is just the chemical stucture of it.