I am also a fan of the wheelgun. Overall favorite is my Ruger Speed Six 357 Liberty model issued to the DE State Police in 1976. These days when I do carrie a wheelie is it a duracoated Tuarus M85 Ultra Lite.
Anothe great wonder 9MM is the CZ 75.
What are some of your favorites?
I love my Ruger security six, lots of fun and very accurate
My favorite's for plinking are still my Thompson contenders, something old fasioned about a single breech loader and it sort of makes you take more time and enjoy the afternoon, I have barrels in .44 mag, .45/410 .22 & .22 hornet.
I have a pre twentys navy issue 1911 thats fun to shoot also
my carry is a S&W 38 PS snubnose with the light weight frame and clipgrip that drops in behind the belt with no holster, covers with a tee shirt