Good to see you refilled your supply.EMP/cob/coffee on the drive into work
me too- 5 tins of EMP along with some other goodiesGood to see you refilled your supply.EMP/cob/coffee on the drive into work
Glad you liked it. It's a no frills flake that just smokes nice I thought. Smoked dry and was pretty smooth when I had it in a smaller bowl. I want to try it out in my Sav 320 soon to see how it acts in a bigger bowl.Finally had some warspar from smoking hole in a cob, great burn good flavors, and behaved better than a lot of other blends I've had, had a nice natural tobacco flavor with a little sweetness and a little latakia
Two thumbs up
I think I may have dried it more than I usually like, I rubbed it out and left it for maybe 30 min and it was a bit crunchy but didn't smoke hot, I can't wait to try the othersGlad you liked it. It's a no frills flake that just smokes nice I thought. Smoked dry and was pretty smooth when I had it in a smaller bowl. I want to try it out in my Sav 320 soon to see how it acts in a bigger bowl.Finally had some warspar from smoking hole in a cob, great burn good flavors, and behaved better than a lot of other blends I've had, had a nice natural tobacco flavor with a little sweetness and a little latakia
Two thumbs up
Humm that is some tobacco I haven't tried. I have seen talk about it. How does it smoke? Looks like it is hard packed in your pipe.PS LNF in the Boswell.
I love all the Stokkebye flakes, very hard to beat for the price in my opinion. And that jackknife plug definitely packs a tasty punch.Sounds great, I am going to add some of the LBF, LNF and LTF to my order among a few others that I want to try. i have been eyeing a brand that has a Tin of Aromatic for 22ish for 100g that I want to try and makes it look cool with a nice looking Tin design. Don't want to say what yet to make sure I get a tin or 2 before all the rest of the Aromatic lovers steal them all, Wait not many around this days it seems. I love all Tobaccos
Smoking some GL Pease JackKnife Plug in my Yello Bole. Very interesting tobacco kicks me in the butt.
About half way through the bowl and, so far, really enjoying it. It's milder than the other English blends that I've had but still a lot of flavor.H&H Admirality in the Canadian briar. Haven't had this baccy yet but I have high hopes.