Esoterica Stonehaven inna briar.
Was thinking today how no pie baccy blows my mind like a top notch cigar. Yeah it's good, but I feel like there's some magic missing. Just something that isn't there compared to a cigar.
So, I thought I'd finally try this one. It's delicious, but cant say I'd hunt it like it's often hunted. Im not a htf/le chaser to start, but occasionally I receive one that blows me away, and I'll seek n buy more. Haven't found that lil sumpin with pipe baccy. Even though this Stonehaven is delicious, have no desire to chase it.
Wish I could, would save me some bucks, or at least extend smoking time per dollar....

Was thinking today how no pie baccy blows my mind like a top notch cigar. Yeah it's good, but I feel like there's some magic missing. Just something that isn't there compared to a cigar.
So, I thought I'd finally try this one. It's delicious, but cant say I'd hunt it like it's often hunted. Im not a htf/le chaser to start, but occasionally I receive one that blows me away, and I'll seek n buy more. Haven't found that lil sumpin with pipe baccy. Even though this Stonehaven is delicious, have no desire to chase it.
Wish I could, would save me some bucks, or at least extend smoking time per dollar....