Another beautiful Sunday morning with a bowl full of meat pie and a head full of calm. The crickets are still singing their hearts out like it's the middle of the night and there is still dew on everything.
I started the morning with a Gurkha cellar reserve 18 year and didn't even know it was a Gurkha till I looked it up and was surprised (Not one of my favorite brands). Great flavor, horible construction and shouldn't have been out yet. I lit it up and it was giving me a little bit of a hard time and was going out after every hit which doesn't make sense because if anything it should have been dry. It was given to me last night at the Jungle Jim's Cigar festival as part of the swag bag and then I let it sit out last night without putting it in my humi, so you would think that it would be dry. I let it go out after making it a quarter of the way through in about an hour. Oh well I tried.
This Meat Pie is making up for it ten fold. It is just f#&kn yummy!
I'm pretty well settled into my new job and loving it. I feel like I have found my place in life. (Took me long enough lol).
I have been waiting on my newbie trade for weeks and am about to break down and do a cash deal but I can't commit to alot right now and no one can give me an answer of the price range. So I wait. Since I started my new job I haven't been smoking a pipe as much because they asked me to try all of the different cigars to give accurate suggestions to customers. But I have decided that Sundays will be pipe day from now on! Woohoo pipe day!!! Well I'm just rambling so I'm out! Enjoy your week everybody and may your smoke be cool and smooth!