It's more home friendly with the 5 kids I have so yeah, im an admitted vaper nd dont smoke cigarettes like a freight train anymore. Down to about 1 pack every two weeks when stress is very high. Smoke all my cigars and pip tobacco's outside or in the truck now. Mostly while driving or on break at work.
Working through some cookie butter at the moment but love the jam monster blends.
Duchess reserve is another one I'm fond of cant recall who makes it. Local vape shop shop has a house blend they make called elf juice that's a great peppermint and not menthol cigarette like.
Good to know I'm not alone here.....
Working through some cookie butter at the moment but love the jam monster blends.
Duchess reserve is another one I'm fond of cant recall who makes it. Local vape shop shop has a house blend they make called elf juice that's a great peppermint and not menthol cigarette like.
Good to know I'm not alone here.....