My box buying falls I to two categories. A) if I constantly have to go digging deep into my humidors to find the same thing, I'm buying a box because its become a regular. Right now I'm on a cromagnon and neanderthal bender. B) I like to keep a box of something others enjoy/might enjoy on hand. One aspect of this hobby I really enjoy is introducing decent cigars to new or occasional smokers. I tend to smoke strong stuff and if I have people over that are new to cigars or interested in trying them for the first time I dont need people turning green on me from smoking knuckle draggers so I'll keep a box of something milder that I can enjoy in the mornings but might also be a good intro stick. This way if Ive got guys over that are interested in trying the hobby out, they all get the same cigar and get to compare how they liked or disliked it. I fill in the gaps with singles ive been kindly bombed or stuff people have recommended.
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