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Where are you on stripping?


The battle's fought, the deed is done
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Jun 26, 2019
Deep in the woods, Middle Georgia
Are you saying you overstayed your welcome at the Mustang Ranch and took a short drive into Reno?
That's funny you mention Mustang Ranch. My son raced motocross for many years and he had many races at Exit 28 motocross park, which was right in front of the Mustang Ranch.
Exit 28 also being the exit you get off to go to Mustang. The races were an all day ordeal and we'd watch vehicles going in and out of Mustang throughout the day.
A lot of truckers since it's right on the side of Hwy 80. Just as unappealing as the strip clubs in Reno.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I totally understand what you're talking about. I was afraid people might feel that this was some type of thread about repainting the exterior of their house or some wacky minwax tutorial.
That was my first guess. Figured you were using the double entendre when referring to your latest project, refinishing your cabinets or something :ROFLMAO:

As far as going to the club, Its probably been at least 25 years. Back when I was selling industrial supplies for Fastenal years ago, I had a strip club for one of my customers. 4 Mile Gentlemen's Club reviews - W230 Hwy 35, Bluff Siding (restaurantguru.com)

I sold them paper towels, toilet paper, hand soap, cleaning supplies, etc.. I would stop in every two weeks, usually around the time the matinee was starting. After awhile they trusted me to do an inventory of what they had and write up an order, based on what they needed each time I stopped in. The funny thing was that the supplies were kept in the same room that the girls used to get ready for their time on stage, putting on their makeup, fixing their hair and such. I used to joke that this was literally their dressing room because that is where they went to put their clothes back on afterwards.

Eventually they built a separate storeroom for the supplies, so I no longer had to bother the girls as they were getting ready, but I still always made sure I stopped in around 3:30-4:00 so I was able to take in a few minutes of the matinee.
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