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Where in china is chef at?


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Ah Shenzhen.... Used to stay at the shangri-la hotel.

Make sure you get a meal of Guangzhou hot pot when you are there.
Stood at the jw marriott. Busy part of town.

Not sure if I had hot pot, but I ate everything they gave me. Jellyfish, bull frog, lotus root, who knows what else :)
You'll know if they take you to a hot pot restaurant. There is a big pot of boiling oil in the center of the table. They bring you raw meat and veggies and you cook your own food right there. Kind of a cross between a hibachi restaurant and a fondue. The pot has 2 sides to it. One is standard oil and the other side is a little spicy.....good eating!

Had lots of interesting dishes over the years. If you want to gain some respect, take your chopsticks and pick up and eat the eye out of the steamed fish. It should be hard like a little pea. And you can just swallow it like a little pill without chewing or tasting it. Doing that should impress your host and let everyone know that you are not afraid to dive in.
Thanks for recommendation. Heading to one for dinner :) I'll report back later!


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Rupe, strong call on hot pot. Waiting for second pot to boil. Great stuff!!!
Wouldn't steer you wrong man...I made 21 trips to China over the 6 years of my sourcing career and have eaten a lot of weird shit and seen a lot of interesting places. I could probably write a book someday LOL.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Rupe, strong call on hot pot. Waiting for second pot to boil. Great stuff!!!
Wouldn't steer you wrong man...I made 21 trips to China over the 6 years of my sourcing career and have eaten a lot of weird shit and seen a lot of interesting places. I could probably write a book someday LOL.
Very nice. I'm on trip number three. I like southern China more than northern except the humidity is ridiculous.

Food in Guangdong province is money though. I too have ventured on the weird side, some has been worth it and others.....eh :)


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Pic doesn't do justice, but in case anyone is wondering it's a hot bowl of soup in center of burner on table. You slowly add things raw and they cook in soup. Beef, shrimp, squid, veggies, etc. F ing delicious


The Skipper
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Mar 28, 2009
Coral Springs, Florida
I had hot pot in Beijing at a place called Hu-Hai hotpot. It was amazing. Ate some weird stuff there too....duck feet, scorpions, mystery meat on a stick in Nanjing.... but my favorite restaurant there was in Shanghai, a place called TMSK...although I had some great food in Hong Kong too.... (concierge at the Peninsula recommended a place on the mountaintop with a view that was amazing... then came back and had a cigar and scotch in the bar before retiring....one of the best nights, ever!) Spent three weeks in China on that trip and plan on going back next year....


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
I had hot pot in Beijing at a place called Hu-Hai hotpot. It was amazing. Ate some weird stuff there too....duck feet, scorpions, mystery meat on a stick in Nanjing.... but my favorite restaurant there was in Shanghai, a place called TMSK...although I had some great food in Hong Kong too.... (concierge at the Peninsula recommended a place on the mountaintop with a view that was amazing... then came back and had a cigar and scotch in the bar before retiring....one of the best nights, ever!) Spent three weeks in China on that trip and plan on going back next year....
I'm impressed you remember restaurant names. So much mandarin writing I just gave up on figuring out where I am and trust my guide/suppliers

One of my favorite meals was at a hot spring resort in Longmen, China(3.5 NE of Shenzhen in middle of rice farm country). Was very secluded and unique. Guangdong farm food. Delicious atmosphere and recipes.

I love traveling here. Only thing I don't like is being away from kids and wife, but daddy has bills to pay :)


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Sep 7, 2013
Get me a job with you Ryan. I'm down to travel to China with you
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Jul 10, 2013
Central New Jersey
NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you cancelled on Guangzhou!??!?!?!?!?
Lmao yeah I had to, but if you really arranged something I can stop on way to airport
Its all good bro i did have a bomb and gift waiting... I had them frame a picture of your wife and son since i figured you missed them. I also got ya a Monte 2 to smoke.

The public relations officer was going to hand deliver them to you on check in.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you cancelled on Guangzhou!??!?!?!?!?
Lmao yeah I had to, but if you really arranged something I can stop on way to airport
Its all good bro i did have a bomb and gift waiting... I had them frame a picture of your wife and son since i figured you missed them. I also got ya a Monte 2 to smoke.

The public relations officer was going to hand deliver them to you on check in.
Haha that's elaborate. I'll have the president escort me there for pickup on my way out of town