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Which do you prefer and why?


Nerf herder
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Apr 2, 2015
I would mirror what everyone else has said so far. It is really a personal decision on what you are comfortable with. I have the S&W Shield in 9, a Glock 42, and Springfield XDS. Personally I usually always carry the XDS and then the Glock 42, I'm a bigger guy so it's harder for me to conceal a double stack gun.
One other thing to consider is if you want a frame mounted safety as well. For me that's a no but you may want one.


Anything worth doing is worth overdoing
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Jul 8, 2010
Langhorne, PA
I'm a little late to the party on this...
I'm a Glock guy and I currently carry a Glock 23.
That being said, I would recommend the Glock 19...I'm making the switch as soon as I can find someone to buy my 23...lol For me its a question of the cartridge. For the little bit of "stopping power" you gain with the .40, the 9mm will give you more rounds per mag, a cheaper price per round, and significantly less muzzle flip which makes it easier to keep follow up shots on target.

So, yeah...Glock is my #1, but other than Glock, I would have no problems recommending the S&W M&P, Springfield XD, Ruger SR9c, and if price weren't an issue...I'd love a Sig P226. All are reliable and will work well, so it comes down to what you feel more comfortable with...I recommend firing all the guns you are looking at.


Anything worth doing is worth overdoing
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Jul 8, 2010
Langhorne, PA
If you're on a budget, you can just swap barrels and mags
Yeah, I debated going the conversion route, but I've seen too many people experience random failure to eject/failure to feed issues. The ejectors are slightly different from 9mm to 40, which can cause issues.

When it comes to my life or the lives of my family, I just don't trust the conversions.

Plus, I want a Gen 4 anyway...lol
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Jun 11, 2015
Comfort and concealability.

Buy the gun you will actually carry! Weight, size, etc all play into the comfort factor. They key to having a carry gun is having it with you when the need arises.
Hand guns are like seatbelts. By the time you know you need it right now, it's too late to put it on. It has to be there already. Definitely choose the one you'll carry. That part is up to you.