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Who else prefers to buy singles, 3,4,and 5 packs exclusively?

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Oct 16, 2019
Veteran's Home of Wyoming, Buffalo, Wyoming
Just curious how many others are like me and almost exclusively order cc's as a few singles, and 3,4,and 5packs?

I prefer to have as much variety on hand as possible so I almost exclusively buy 2 to 3 singles or a 3,4, or 5 pack.

My monthly budget doesn't really allow for buying boxes unless I want to smoke the same Cigar every day for the month, which I certainly don't.

A typical order of 30-40 Cigars will be from about 10-13 different marcas and vitolas.

I never have to smoke the same Cigar in a 2 week period or more which I really like

For example, I currently have 90 cc's on hand, and have no more than 3 of the same.

I have also been trying mostly new to me cc's for about 6 months and don't want to buy more than a 5 pack of something new in case I don't care for them.
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Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
For the first several years, I also almost always bought fivers, usually splitting boxes with folks.

Great way to sample a lot and kinda figure out what I liked without breaking the bank.

Once I really figured out what I liked, I started buying boxes with the idea of building an aged collection over time.

Been about ten years now, maybe more, and I’m only buying boxes now, to replace what I smoke and maybe a bit more. I figure I have about a four year supply that will build to about a five year supply by the end of this year, which is right where I want to be.
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Feb 4, 2015
When I started down the CC slope I bought a lot of 10 ct boxes. Price/stick is usually close enough to that of 25 ct boxes, but also, spreading it around for variety and to figure out what I really like. Turns out I like all of them, so now I buy larger boxes for the most part but I still like 10 ct boxes for fancy/more expensive stuff - makes it affordable to keep variety and have some double bands in the cooler.

For NC I rarely buy full boxes unless it’s something I really like and/or I find a great deal
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
I’ve only purchased boxes of the yearly Tatuaje TAA releases and a handful of other cigars IF there’s a really good sale. Especially on the yard gars. Other than that it’s been singles, 5-ers and so forth. Being a homeowner now, went through an unexpected job change and plenty of home projects took a stab at the budget. But I’m happy where I’m at with it.

It does help though that I have my tobacco pipes and baccy too that I stocked up on over the years.
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Nov 16, 2014
When I started with NCs, I bought tons of 5 packs, and singles. Mostly because those cigars were ready to smoke as is. Acclimate for a couple weeks, and fire ‘em up. If I liked them, I’d just get some more. No biggie. Aging them wasn’t a real concern.
When I switched to CCs, I’ve bought mostly full boxes. I’ve bought a few 5ers here and there, but it is really hard to age a 5er. A box I can bury in the cooler and forget about it for a couple years. A 5er usually ends up in my smoking humidor, and I’ll end up smoking most of them before they’re properly matured. Then, if I somehow manage to age them well, and I like it, I don’t want to think, “Man, I wish I had 20 more of these”. Then, I gotta order a box, and start the clock all over again.
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Mar 17, 2018
If it's something I haven't tried I'll get in on a box split. Otherwise I usually purchase boxes.
Being on a monthly budget, sometimes I'll roll a couple months and buy a more expensive box.
That's easier to do if you have stuff to hold you over. I usually don't smoke more than a couple cigars a week, so it works for me.