yeah, they are a bunch of idiots. most of our clients have all or nothing clauses. we get paid once everything has been received and signed off on. so a discrepancy with the part number or documentation of just one pin/screw/nut/rivet can fuck up a payment for a turbine or something.
here's another headache I'm dealing with:
most of our contracts take several months to develop. a bid is put out, in the bidding process we like to send our commercial samples so they know what they'll be getting, then a contract is awarded. in the course of time that it takes for the contract to be hashed out and shit, items are superseded, new models are put out, etc. most of the time you provide a document from the manufacturer showing proof that the AN100 screw is now under the new part number AN100L.
well, we sold a client a bunch of gear. one of those articles are survival vests. the sample that we provided over a year ago had pockets sewn on and were made out of nylon. the current model has detached pockets and is made out of nomex, and here's the is cheaper! but our client is refusing to accept it because they believe we are pulling a bait and switch and are providing them with an inferior vest. their logic tells them because the pockets come in a separate bag they must be inferior. the reason for the modification is the manufacturer realized that when pilots are fitted for their parachutes the straps cover up some of the pockets, so they become unreachable. they are now giving them the option to customize them after they are fitted for the 'chutes. we have told them why the change was neccessary and reminded them that the new version is made out of a much better material, but they refuse to accept it.