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Why do people spend so much time arguing about CC's

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Apr 6, 2016
" Legit habanos retailers (authorized I mean) have a price list they sell at and that’s it."
Not true, difference in online vendors is 20% or more on some items.
" You're going to be looking at $600 boxes of COROs best case scenario. "
$520.00 TODAY at one vendor I found. 600.00 will not be long coming even online.
Canadian and British prices are way over that now.
You need a better resource for pricing.
Eh, I don't know how to do a multiquote... I was attempting to respond to jvd more so, and agreeing with you. Don't post at the gas pump. :bear:

$520ish is the list price, but remember that is net of all tax, since it is being exported. $600 was a guess based on fed excise tax, state excise tax, and then state sales tax. Add in any Habanos price increases between today and the time we would see stores stocking Habanos products.

Canada has crazy taxes, as well as the UK (plus H&F has to charge something to "inspect" each box and put that little EMS stamp on).

I was more getting at the point that Habanos (the company) are dicks, and treat their product as a luxury product. They are just going to raise the prices to the sky and continue to sell out. I don't think we will ever see them mixing tobacco based on US demand. I believe they see US demand as a "great we have more demand, lets raise prices and make our product even more limited" opportunity, rather than an oh crap, we can't grow enough tobacco.

UK will not refund the excise tax for export either... gotta pay the queen


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Nov 5, 2010
Great white North
Personally, I don't think that Cuban tobacco will ever be blended again, unless specifically distributed by a LCDH. They may open the island up to trading, but their cash crops are not going to be pilliaged. If their government stays in tact, similar to what it is now, they will not allow outside American businesses to set up companies and start growing. I think they realise this would crush their current working population as the wage difference for companies with money (non-Cuban) would drive away their labor force.
As for the blending; they have a lock-down now on distribustion and sales, why would they change that. Like stated earlier, they had record sales/profits last year. They will only get tighter on controlling their cash-cow.
There is no way a CC will be sold in any regular B&M in the States unless they become a LCDH partner. If they are producing and distributing record numbers now, with the limited product available, why would they expand and possibly water down their product like '99-'02 ? They already have their system that is working, my belief is that they will try to lock down their handle on the States to keep it exclusively theirs.
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Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
" Personally, I don't think that Cuban tobacco will ever be blended again, unless specifically distributed by a LCDH. "
Don't forget all the leaf exported to the Canary Islands ........


Brandon | BotM Jan 2038
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Jul 28, 2016
Northwest Arkansas
We adopted a little wiener puppy and my wife said she was shaped like a cigar so................I mean Nicaragua doesn't have the same ring to it.
This is hilarious and nothing like the reason I expected. Too funny and you are correct, Havana is a pretty cool name for a dog. Definitely better than "Nicaragua" or "Dominican Republic".

I think it is interesting how Chuck Mejia always takes people to task for their political choices. Dude. Just shut up already.
...really, man? It wasn't a political question at all. In fact, it was a logical next question.

Every forum has an instigator and lil' chuckie is ours. You just have to embrace him and not let him get to you.
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