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Why don't people use their knife?

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Dec 27, 2010
Greenfield, CA
Ive got millions of cheap cutters all over and they weigh next to nothing so it's not an issue. I don't want to use the same tool I use to gut my fish to trim my cigar.


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
I'm getting the feeling that no one here washes their knife :sadstare: I literally just ate an apple with mine...

Also cigars are dried leaves. It's not like you're performing open heart surgery!
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Mar 19, 2012
I'm getting the feeling that no one here washes their knife :sadstare: I literally just ate an apple with mine...

Also cigars are dried leaves. It's not like you're performing open heart surgery!
Pretty much.

I can't count how many times I've done / seen: Gut random critter, skin random critter, butcher random critter, rinse knife 5 seconds with hose, cut sausage for everyone to eat, cut onions, etc..

I try to at least rinse mine off every couple days. I do clean thoroughly when I sharpen. (which is not very often with this knife). No crusties is clean enough for me. I dunno, maybe I'm just a redneck hillbilly?..


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I carry an knife and yesterday cut open a bag of fertilizer, bag of gravel and cut some tree branches. Sure wipe down the knife afterwards but wouldn't think of cutting a cigar with it afterwards.
My situation exactly. Plus I travel a lot by airplane so my buck knife stays home, far outside the reach of my "friendly" local TSA agent. The punch on my key ring is much more convenient.

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May 18, 2007
I've used my knife several times to cut cigars, as long as its sharp its worked better then some cheap cutters I've had.

You can count me as one who's knife has done multipe duty with no cleaning. Heck as long as you wipe the blade off on what ever is handy (pants, shirt, dirty hankie, etc) she's ready to go!
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Jan 24, 2010
Fort Riley, KS
Only knife I carry is on my leatherman, and it doesn't get sharpened much, as it usually is used to cut things that will dull the blade. Yeah, I can sharpen a knife to a paper cutting edge with a stone, but to be honest, I have better things to do with my limited free time, which I consider to be quite valuable. Like smoking cigars! If I'm smoking at home, the cutter is already there, right beside my humi, and if I'm smoking away, it's in the traveldor, along with the torch lighter with the built in punch. On the one hand, I should maybe upgrade my cutter as this one is a 3 buck benchmade v-cutter that came free with the traveldore. On the other hand, I've had it since Iraq 09-10, it still works great, and the price was right! Oh....and I eat apples with my teeth....:eyepoke:
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Mar 19, 2012
Am I the only guy on this site not carrying a knife?!
I didn't for the longest time and got along just fine without it. In the last few years that I have been, I feel naked without it - almost like leaving the house without my wallet.

I don't travel so that's not a concern. I did forget a rather sizable one on my belt one time walking into a courthouse (metal detector). I had been using it doing some outdoor work. The security guard acted like I walked in the door with a bomb strapped to my chest. Wouldn't let me go back to my truck to drop it off. Had to tag it, fill out a form, take a picture, put it in a safe, etc.... I'll buy my dogs' tags elsewhere next time..

Red Raider

Wreck 'em Tech
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Feb 29, 2012
123 Anytown Texas, 12345
I carry a Moore Maker that is hand made here locally. Great for everyday use and doesnt take up too much room in my pocket. I wouldnt go into battlle with it; I carry a gun for that.

Still, my beloved pocket knife(ves) havent been used for cutting cigars up to this point... In a pinch though, I would cut with my knife before bitting the end off... just sayin'