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Wife gone for a long weekend...


Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
Maybe I'm outing myself as a boring guy, but if my wife were going away for the weekend, cigar selection is the absolute first order of business! :)

To clarify here's my list:

1-Set up poker games.

2-Figure out food, wings, chili, crab legs, and anything else my wife doesn't cook.

3-Drinks, must have drinks.

4-Movies to watch when everyone leaves, the kind that you must watch undisturbed similar to Boondock Saints or Bladerunner. No chick flicks!!

5-Cigar selection, order and pairings.

Damn, I think I need to plan a getaway for my wife now.
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Dec 15, 2007
Omaha, NE
Maybe I'm outing myself as a boring guy, but if my wife were going away for the weekend, cigar selection is the absolute first order of business! :)
With two toddlers in the house, when my wife goes out of town, I'm so tired by the boys' bedtime that I'm lucky to even smoke a single cigar!
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Nov 19, 2010
Deerfield, IL
To clarify here's my list:

1-Set up poker games.

2-Figure out food, wings, chili, crab legs, and anything else my wife doesn't cook.

3-Drinks, must have drinks.

4-Movies to watch when everyone leaves, the kind that you must watch undisturbed similar to Boondock Saints or Bladerunner. No chick flicks!!

5-Cigar selection, order and pairings.

Damn, I think I need to plan a getaway for my wife now.
I like the way your thinking...

So far I have all beverages purchased, grocery shopping for food at the end of the week, order already placed with the butcher, friends have setup a little bar crawl for Saturday night.... cigar selection is being worked out as we speak.