Wasch_24 said:
Anti-Climatic as in we know exactly how it ended.
I haven't ever heard anything about phone calls from the other planes.
I would think they chose this flight to make a movie of because they have more details of this flight to base the screenplay on.
Of course the real reason this one was chosen is becaue the occupants caused the crash instead of the highjackers...definitely a bigger money maker.
If anyone thinks this movie isn't being made to make a profit they need to wake up...of course that is why it is being made.
Wasch, I agree it's all about the money sadly enough. It is an easier story to tell. With that said, I think it's an important story that needs to be told. Everytime we grow weary with the war in Iraq we can look to these events as a reality check. We are fighting a war against a savage culture that would drool at the thought of cutting our children. Whether you agree with Bush, his administration, or the reasons we are in Iraq, you must admit that we have an evil enemy. We must protect ourselves. In my opinion, aggression is the best form of defense.