Just Another Ashhole
KL is your friend...with Vinos, wineadors, tupperadors, cooleradors....etc. It works and it works well which is why so many people who use it...testify for it. Once you get over the idea of the "name" of it ....just try it. In Wineadors like I have.....a 28 bottle type I keep a pound at the top,,,,half a pound in the middle and a pound at the bottom. Total cost of the KL....maybe just under $5 and it keeps my cigars at the 65% RH range. If there is a change where the RH is too low....I take all 3 containers and spritz them with DW about 3 times each and wait for 6 hours....however much higher it goes up becomes my formula...if it goes up 2% then 3 sprays equals a 2% easy is that? Taking the guesswork out of things means less time worrying about.